Frodo Takes a Leap of Faith

FRODO: You were right Amarula! I can see the whole world from up here! Thanks so much for your suggestion that I get in the cupboard and I know i can trust you that mom won’t be mad!

AMARULA: That’s right Frodo. You just stay up there and have a great time! (idiot)

FRODO: Thank goodness mom forgot to close it properly or I never would have discovered how fun this is. I wonder why she doesn’t leave it open all the time?! Doesn’t she realize how grand it is up here??

FRODO: Wow it is really far down below!

FRODO: I am King of the Kitchen!! Yeah!

FRODO: Oh oh! Mom just spotted me and doesn’t look too happy!

FRODO: I’m otta here!

AMARULA: ha ha ha! I love how gullible the orange idiot is!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Frodo “Helps” With The Gardening

FRODO: Oh wow! Mom bought more catnip for the garden. Let me help plant it!

FRODO: Let me just confirm the quality first!

FRODO: Oh yeah! It smells wonderful! This is definitely the good stuff! It’s making my toes curl!

FRODO: So yummy…

Then finally exhaustion sets in after “helping” me garden…

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Frodo: Guilty or Innocent?

THE HUMAN: Oh oh! Someone got into the catnip! I think it was you Frodo!

FRODO: What makes you think it was me?

FRODO: Well yes, it is catnip that I’m licking off myself at the moment but I don’t know what happened! Honest! I don’t know how I got all covered in it!

FRODO: One minute I was sleeping….And when I woke up I was covered in it!

FRODO: But it just doesn’t make sense! Who would wanna frame little ole me??

Who indeed…(look closely under the chair!)

PS: The human is away for the next two weeks –she will try to post sometimes but please forgive her if she can’t make comments on your blogs as often as usual!

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!


The Great Escape (Again!)

So Frodo ran out when I went to take out the garbage again! And he found the only snow-free area in the whole yard!

FRODO: I don’t know what Amarula is complaining about; there’s not snow everywhere! Look at this area by the garage. It’s a little snow-free oasis.

FRODO: The sun is so nice and warm I can have a little nap.

FRODO: Oh no! Mom spotted me!

FRODO: Come on mom, just another couple minutes outside please!


FRODO: The only issue is that I keep getting pieces of snow stuck to my paws.

FRODO: It’s cold and hard to get off my paws!

FRODO: Is the snow moving?? It does seem to be getting closer! MOM!!!

FRODO: Mom come rescue me! I am ready to come in now!


We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

In the Doghouse: Frodo Goes For A Midnight Snack

THE HUMAN: Alright, which one of you cats got into the fridge when I left the door open and knocked the water bottle to the floor?

ZULU: Not me! I’m too busy keeping my nails sharp in case Amarula is in one of her “moods”

AMARULA: Please! I don’t snack! I have to keep my figure looking good for all my male cat fans like Bear and Veikko and so many many more! Though I may have told a certain orange menace that you love when food falls out of the fridge onto the floor cause it makes it easier for you to find it! Mwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

THE HUMAN: Frodo, was it you?

FRODO: No way mom! Not me!

THE HUMAN: Really, cause the evidence seems pretty damning!

FRODO: Maybe if I don’t make eye contact she won’t notice me!

FRODO: Woo Hoo, I’m king of the world! I can practically see the whole house from here!

FRODO: Look at all the food choices! Why do I only get tuna flavored dry or wet food?

FRODO: Oh oh! How do I get down from here?

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Escape From AlCATraz

The Human: So I bought this tent because I’ve had issues with a certain mancat who keeps trying to escape the yard during supervised outdoor time. Can you guess who?

FRODO: Who me?

FRODO: Nooooooooooo

FRODO: I’m innocent I swear!

FRODO: I’ll be good, let me out!

FRODO: I was framed! Set me free!

FRODO: These walls will never hold me!

FRODO: Hey! Can somebody phone my lawyer?

We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop

Frodo’s Credibility Goes Down The Toilet

The Human: So a few days ago I noticed that my office was starting to smell a little…shall we say…off. Upon closer inspection, it became odiferously clear that some feline had been using my planter as their own personal commode. But who could it be…

The Human: Was it you Amarula?

AMARULA: Sure! Everyone always wants to blame the Tortie! I won’t even dignify that with an answer.

The Human: Was it you Zulu?

ZULU: Please! I would never use a common household plant to do my business.

The Human: Frodo…Frodo?

The photographic evidence seems pretty damning!

FRODO: A little privacy please!

The plant now!

We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop