The Cats Are Getting Ready For Halloween!

The house is all abuzz as the cats start trying on their spooky outfits in preparation for Halloween!

FRODO: I love my hat but all this excitement is making me sleepy!

ZULU: No! I do not look good in neon green! Take this thing off and get me my beret! Oh la la! I look so good in my French beret!

AMARULA: I am not getting out of this tunnel until you put all the Halloween hats away!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Starting The Week Off Right With Zulu and Frodo

Zulu and Frodo start the week off right with a thorough ear cleaning in a sunpuddle!

Here’s a very short video of Zulu washing Frodo (hope it works–my first time trying video!). You should be able to see it at if you can’t see it below! Let me know if it doesn’t work pls!

Of course, Zulu never forgets to give himself a good wash too!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!






We’re Back! (and happy Canadian Thanksgiving!)

Well I have finally returned from all my travels (where I got to meet fellow blogger Claire from Swiss Cats!) and am happy to be back home. The cats were elated to see me and after lots of love and attention, they were exhausted and all fell into deep sleeps.


As you can see, the cats are enjoying the first fire of the year and Frodo is back to getting into his crazy sleeping positions!


Though she won’t admit it, Amarula was also very happy to see me and spent the whole day on the bookshelf sleeping nearby me as I worked!

It’s also Canadian Thanksgiving today so Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!