Zulu: My Fav Coworker!

ZULU is one of my favorite coworkers. He loves sitting near me as I work on the computer.

He is a conscientious colleague. He makes sure to groom so he always looks his best.

Though I will admit that he does get playful and can be very distracting

ZULU: Of course I’m distracting. Look at me I’m gorgeous. I’m amazed you can get any work done at all with me nearby!

NOTE: I am headed to South Africa and will be traveling in Southern Africa for about a month so you may not hear from me until early May! Despite Amarula’s protests I am refusing to bring her with me to return her back to her native country but I have promised her that I will not bring back another South African stray.

AMARULA: Look me in the eyes and promise me you won’t be bringing back any more felines! One South African tortie per household only!

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!


Where’s Frodo?

Do I hear snoring? What’s that under the blanket?

Looks like an orange ear!

It’s Frodo! Sleeping in his fav spot (when the fire isn’t on)

FRODO: Mom can you please let an orange mancat have a nap? I need to restore my strength so I can chase Amarula around the house and finally get her to play with me. You know how much she loves when I do that!

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

The Catnip Patch is Back (Sorta)

We are having a very mild winter here in my corner of Canada and Frodo insisted on going outside to check how his catnip patch was doing

While most of the catnip is dead, there are a few sprouts starting to push out of the ground and Frodo spent an enjoyable afternoon rubbing all over it

He was clearly in a state of bliss.

Until, finally, exhausted, he fell into a catnip coma!

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!