AMARULA: Ah, finally a few moments to myself in my beloved Hexagon of Happiness
AMARULA: Now I can finally take a well-earned nap…wait a minute…I sense something evil headed this way…
AMARULA: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
FRODO: Hey big sis. That sure looks cozy! Can you scooch over so I can come in too?
AMARULA: Get away from my one-cat-only Hexagon!
FRODO: Looks more to me like a Cube of Companionship! Push over!
AMARULA: A cube!! Fool! Do you know nothing about math, geometry and the importance of right angles!? This is clearly a Six-sided Hexagon of Solitude, now don’t you dare come in here!
FRODO: Come on Sis! I see plenty of room in there!
AMARULA: Get down! Get down or you’ll break the whole thing!
FRODO: I’m turning this HexaGON into a HexaCome-On-In! Wheeeeeee!
AMARULA: Thank God I had the foresight to install an escape hatch!
Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!
- My next _Hexagon of Happiness_ will be better hidden from Frodo!
- Fireworks scare the bejesus out of me! But I really feel sorry for the sky who must be experiencing terrible indigestion to create such terrible sights and sounds!
- Freedom is what I plan to actually experience one day when I can finally figure out how to take off the horrible collar the human makes me wear! Damn I wish I had thumbs!
- This week, I am thankful that I live in Canada; the best cat-loving country in the world! While I complain that my Human took me from Africa and moved me to a land filled with snow for half the year, I know how lucky I am to live here! (But don’t tell the Human I said that!)