The Sad Fate of Amarula’s Hexagon of Happiness

AMARULA: Ah, finally a few moments to myself in my beloved Hexagon of Happiness

AMARULA: Now I can finally take a well-earned nap…wait a minute…I sense something evil headed this way…

AMARULA: Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!

FRODO: Hey big sis. That sure looks cozy! Can you scooch over so I can come in too?

AMARULA: Get away from my one-cat-only Hexagon!

FRODO: Looks more to me like a Cube of Companionship! Push over!

AMARULA: A cube!! Fool! Do you know nothing about math, geometry and the importance of right angles!? This is clearly a Six-sided Hexagon of Solitude, now don’t you dare come in here!

FRODO: Come on Sis! I see plenty of room in there!

AMARULA: Get down! Get down or you’ll break the whole thing!

FRODO: I’m turning this HexaGON into a HexaCome-On-In! Wheeeeeee!

AMARULA: Thank God I had the foresight to install an escape hatch!

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

  1. My next _Hexagon of Happiness_ will be better hidden from Frodo!
  2. Fireworks scare the bejesus out of me! But I really feel sorry for the sky who must be experiencing terrible indigestion to create such terrible sights and sounds!
  3. Freedom is what I plan to actually experience one day when I can finally figure out how to take off the horrible collar the human makes me wear! Damn I wish I had thumbs!
  4. This week, I am thankful that I live in Canada; the best cat-loving country in the world! While I complain that my Human took me from Africa and moved me to a land filled with snow for half the year, I know how lucky I am to live here! (But don’t tell the Human I said that!)


Zulu Has Tunnel Vision

ZULU: I love when mom let’s me have supervised outdoor time. Of all the things I do outside my favorite is hanging out in my tunnel!

ZULU: My tunnel is the perfect place to stretch…

ZULU: Or take a lovely snooze…

ZULU: But best of all, my tunnel is a wonderful place to play with friends! Come on Frodo! Yipee!

ZULU: What’s going on…this isn’t working! Ya gotta come in here

ZULU: Don’t leave me bro!

ZULU: Come back! Bro?

ZULU:Success! Yeah! You figured it out Frodo! You are so smart!

ZULU: Now let’s play!
We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop

Sometimes It’s Extra Hard to Get Outta Bed!

ZULU: Mondays can be tough even for us felines! So we do our best to look extra cute so Mom doesn’t have the heart to wake us and we all can sleep in a little longer!

ZULU: So what do you think? Are we doing a good job of looking too cute and comfy to wake up?

ZULU: That’s right mom! Hit the snooze button again!

We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop

Hallelujah! A Collarless Sunday Selfie!

AMARULA: Gotta take a selfie real fast before the Human puts that hideous collar on me!

AMARULA: That didn’t last nearly long enough! Do you see what I have to put up with!?

NOTE FROM HUMAN: I only put the collar on when she goes outside! (though I will admit that I occasionally forget to take it off inside–though only rarely!)

This is Amarula’s  Sunday Selfie for The Cat On My Head Sunday Blog Hop!