Amarula has a special way of letting me know when she thinks I’ve been working too long and it’s time to call it a night!
AMARULA: What part of quitting time do you not understand human?
AMARULA: How could this computer possibly hold your interest more than me?
AMARULA: Clearly it’s time for the stink eye.
AMARULA: Don’t think ignoring me will work! I’m digging in my heels!
AMARULA: What part of “pet me NOW” don’t you understand? I am perfectly prepared to “deposit” a little “present” on your desk if you continue to ignore me!
AMARULA: I said NOW! Look closely into my eyes! Do I look like patience is one of my virtues?
HUMAN: All right! You win Amarula, I’m done for the night.
AMARULA: I always win! Mwwwwwhaha!
We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!