Frodo’s New Friend Has A Name

FRODO: You may remember that I met a new friend a couple of weeks ago. I was so happy to meet him (though Zulu and Amarula seem just a little less enamored with him). Well it turns out he lives just a few houses away with my other friend Play-Doh! They are brothers (from a different mother). He really seems to have taken a shine to Zulu’s favorite tunnel. His name is Tony!

FRODO: Though Zulu is afraid of him (of course, Zulu also thinks his own shadow is out to get him) and Amarula just thinks he’s “a no good, overly fluffy, trespassing ne’er-do-well nincompoop” I have studied him from all angles….

FRODO: From the left….

FRODO: And from the right…

FRODO: … and I have come to the conclusion that he wants to be my friend and it will only be a matter of time until we are besties! I don’t see any reason at all not to love him.

FRODO: (Though I will admit he doesn’t seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer…)


We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Caturday Art: An Outdoor Trio of Art

This week all three cats get in on the art:

Original: A photo from Frodo’s last blog.

After using LunaPic landscape theme.

Zulu’s original from Wordless Wednesday.

Zulu after using LunaPic Beauty theme (Zulu’s favorite theme)

The original from Amarula in stealth mode on Wordless Wednesday.

Amarula using LunaPic in Fairy.

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art blog hop!

Nap Time in ALCATraz

You may remember how upset Frodo gets when I put him in ALCATraz (aka the cat house of shame) when we are outside and he is refusing to stay on our property.

You can read about it here. But what you don’t know is that when he thinks I am not looking he actually stops caterwauling and gets quite comfy inside his cat tent.

FRODO: Oh good, she’s gone! I can get comfy….

Now that’s a comfy, very relaxed cat!

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

  1. I would like to interview _the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Just what the heck is he grinning about! I need to know!
  2. I would like to be interviewed by Playcat. I know I would make a wonderful centerfold!
  3. Halloween night I plan to scare the bejesus out of all the neighborhood kids. I have been practicing my best caterwauling all month.
  4. Once Halloween is over, I can stop practicing my caterwauling and resume writing my sure-to-be best-seller “Amarula’s Guide to a Tortielicious World Takeover”


An Homage to Whiskers and Sunlight

FRODO: I love to get the week off to a good start by spending Mondays in a warm sunpuddle. I find that as long as I have warm whiskers the rest of me is perfect!

FRODO: Pure bliss!

FRODO: Close-up!

FRODO: OK mom! I love ya but can you please remove the camera from my sunpuddle so I can get back to important Frodo feline business…

FRODO: …Like catching up on my beauty sleep!!

And we are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Amarula Meets Frodo’s New Friend

AMARULA: What the heck!? What is that thing in Zulu’s tunnel?

AMARULA: Sweet God! It’s a cat! It must be that menace that Frodo has befriended and Zulu is still hiding in the basement from.

AMARULA: Oh no! It has the same dull, naive and friendly look in its eyes that Frodo does! I do not need another Frodo in my life!

AMARULA: The dullard actually appears to be moving closer to me! It seems to have no fear or common sense at all! Why is it not quaking like a leaf as I give it my best Amarula-Terrifying-Tortie death stare??

AMARULA: I gotta get otta here! I can’t take more Frodo-friendly visitors. I’m gonna make a call to the Humane Society and alert them that there is a dull-witted cat in need of rescue in my backyard!

And we are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

The Best Seat In The House

ZULU: Mom’s lap is always the best seat in the house!

ZULU: And after my brave investigative efforts on Monday, mom rewarded me by letting me sit in her lap for a whole afternoon!!

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

1. October is the perfect time to _celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving which is on Monday Oct 9 this year! The human always gives us some turkey!!

2. Halloween _is the best night to terrorize young children and steal their candy! I am so dark they don’t see me when I stand in front of their feet to trip them! Boo! Mwahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

3. Every October, I  start plotting out how I am gonna get my passport and papers in order so I can fly back to South Africa (from where the Human stole me from the streets) and avoid the upcoming Canadian winter.

4. My experience with the supernatural world is plenty!! Cause I am SUPER and ALL NATURAL! (unlike Zulu who has had work done–and don’t let him tell you otherwise)!

Zulu Investigates Frodo’s New Friend!

ZULU: What the heck!? Who is this new cat hanging out with Frodo? It isn’t Play-Doh. Normally I like to leave the  life-threatening tasks investigating up to Amarula…

AMARULA: You mean you prefer to cower in the basement whenever potential danger arises!

ZULU: Quiet Amarula! It’s not my fault that I just happen to be hanging out in the basement whenever a dangerous situation comes up! Anyway, I am off to investigate…

ZULU: Oh boy! This is pretty scary! Is it just me or does this black and white cat seem very menacing!?

ZULU: Is that a jailhouse tattoo I see on its paw!? Is this kitty a street tough? Does anyone see any gang affiliation tats? I don’t know about this!

ZULU: Oh gee! There are just so many concealed weapons all that fluff could be hiding! Is that the scent of blood I smell? Is the cat giving me the evil eye?

ZULU: Don’t make eye contact!

ZULU: I am otta here!

ZULU: I am just going to keep at a safe distance! Oh no! Is that Monochrome Menace still staring at me!??

ZULU: What’s that mom? You say you have something in the basement you need me to see! I am coming….

And we are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!