The Human’s cruelty knows no bounds. Granted, green shows off my emerald eyes to perfection, but still, there are limits! I was almost going to let her live until she added the feathers. Now I am just deciding whether I should wait to kill her until after she feeds me. Murder and mayhem can be so tiring on an empty stomach!
Month: March 2016
Somebody is Toying With Me
AMARULA: Dearest readers, as you know I am not one to complain. Far be it for me to cast aspersions on the integrity of a fellow feline but, alas, I feel I have no choice. You will remember that last week I produced compelling (and horrifying) images of Frodo and Zulu playing in my secret (or so I thought) toy box (a.k.a the bathtub). Well, the disappearance of my favorite toys continues unabated! Some one (or some feline…) has actually absconded with my prized pompoms! Oh the inhumanity..infelinenity!!
Where are they?? You see what’s happening here don’t you!? One of those perfidious pussycats must have stolen them!
ZULU: Who us? Nah…we’re too cute and busy napping to be stealing your stuff Amarula!
AMARULA: Silence Zulu! I know that the perpetrator is most likely Frodo! I have often seen him nosing around one of my other toy boxes:
I have even caught him PLAYING with my toys out in the open!
He is especially careless about respecting my property when he is hopped-up on catnip (which he so often is!)
Frodo is always trying too hard to look harmless! I mean no one can be that cute and innocent-right?
FRODO: I could never take your toys and hide them from you Amarula! I’m too cute and innocent!
AMARULA: Where oh where have my little toys gone?
FRODO: I have no idea…
AMARULA: Don’t worry dear readers! I am on the case! I shall not rest until I find my toys and who is responsible for hiding them on me!
FRODO: mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha…..