Frodo Goes To The Dogs!

Frodo’s human was dog sitting Vincent for the week and naturally Frodo and Vincent became fast friends…though there were some issues with Vincent’s inability to appreciate the joys of catnip. Despite Frodo’s enthusiastic tutelage!

FRODO: Come on Vincent, roll around in the catnip! It’s so much fun!

FRODO: Get your nose right in the catnip. Doesn’t the smell drive you crazy??

VINCENT: Well, there’s definitely something crazy about it…

VINCENT: Just what do cats see in this stuff? It’s so much more fun to roll around in 3-day old urine “messages” from other dogs!

FRODO: I give up! Just give me a belly rub, would ya?

Sadly…the nights were not so fun for Vincent, as Amarula spent the evenings giving him the stink eye and making sure he knew his place!

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Frodo and Busy’s Favorite Games: Hide and Seek and Boxing

Hide and Seek:

FRODO: When we aren’t playing Hide and Seek I like to teach Busy some of my boxing moves cause I know that Amarula might introduce the poor puppy to her “Claws of Chaos!” He needs to know how to defend himself! I took it upon myself to show him some moves!


FRODO: He didn’t seem to be able to follow along with my Ninja moves so I taught him another good one that is always useful when trying to get out of trouble: playing dead…

Selfie Sunday: I Am Not In the Mood!

AMARULA: As long as that hideous creature Busy continues to trespass in my territory you will get no happy selfies from me! (Thank God he goes home in a few days!)

AMARULA: The nincompoop doesn’t even notice my death stares!

AMARULA: But I will happily show off my fluffy tail of terror (which the idiot also ignores)!

This is Amarula’s Selfie Sunday for The Cat On My Head Sunday Blog Hop!

Zulu and Amarula: Working Together To Destroy A Common Enemy?

ZULU: Doh…dee…doh…Busy the puppy is having a nap so I can come out of the basement and …wink…wink…spend time with my ladies! You know who you are…

AMARULA: There you are Zulu! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I can’t believe I am saying this but I need your help!

ZULU: What?!?! Have you been into the extra-strength catnip again you Tortie Terror?

AMARULA: No you idiot! We have to get rid of that puppy Busy! Look behind me.

AMARULA: Do you see that big box with the “Caution Heavy” stickers on it?  (Thank God for the human’s addiction to Amazon) I have devised a plan to lure the puppy here and we can both push it over so it lands on him (whispering…and if it lands on Frodo too even better!)…hold on…wait a minute…what is he doing here…

AMARULA: FRODO! Get out of here! Be gone foul demon! I blame you and your overly loving personality for this puppy mess!

ZULU: Boy did you send Frodo running! Look Amarula, as much as I agree that dog has to go, I am occupied at the moment trying to pose charmingly for the camera! Speaking of my good looks…do you think this pillow makes me looks fat?

AMARULA: Oh Brother!! Why do I even bother!? I can’t believe you Zulu!

ZULU: So just to be clear….is that a yes or no on the pillow making me look fat?

AMARULA: Do you see what I am dealing with here? I think I have changed my mind about who I am going to push that box onto!

AMARULA: I can’t even look at you right now!

ZULU: Really? That’s too bad cause I am looking incredibly cute….

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

Week 51: April 28, 2017

  1. A book I would like to see made into a movie is my life story. Granted I have not written it yet but clearly with my intelligence and penchant for drama, as well as my mystique, it would clearly be a bestseller.
  2. If I could afford a billboard, it would say Busy the puppy: free to a good home! Willing to throw in two cats as well (doesn’t even have to be a good home!)
  1. I have a hard time    being modest: I am just so good looking and intelligent! How can I be modest!?    
  1. I really enjoy  terrorizing Frodo and Zulu, and of course Busy the pup who the human is babysitting –thank God he goes home in a few days!!

Basket Case!

FRODO: Though I love my new friend Busy, sometimes a feline needs just a little personal space, and though he asked to share my basket with me I  felt I had to say no cause that’s my big brother Zulu’s spot (which I am sure he will reclaim once he comes out of hiding in the basement away from Busy!)

FRODO: Busy did his best to look cute…but I had to say no

FRODO: Finally Busy saw I meant business…

FRODO:…and claimed his spot at my side…but on the floor! Amarula would be proud of me!

We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop