Frodo Goes To The Dogs!

Frodo’s human was dog sitting Vincent for the week and naturally Frodo and Vincent became fast friends…though there were some issues with Vincent’s inability to appreciate the joys of catnip. Despite Frodo’s enthusiastic tutelage!

FRODO: Come on Vincent, roll around in the catnip! It’s so much fun!

FRODO: Get your nose right in the catnip. Doesn’t the smell drive you crazy??

VINCENT: Well, there’s definitely something crazy about it…

VINCENT: Just what do cats see in this stuff? It’s so much more fun to roll around in 3-day old urine “messages” from other dogs!

FRODO: I give up! Just give me a belly rub, would ya?

Sadly…the nights were not so fun for Vincent, as Amarula spent the evenings giving him the stink eye and making sure he knew his place!

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

17 thoughts on “Frodo Goes To The Dogs!”

  1. Vincent had a great day, but the night wasn’t all that fun. Funny how the kitties rule the roost inside. The way of cats.

    Have a purrfect and woof woof Awww Monday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  2. That Vincent looks like my cousin Makenzie! She’s a yellow doggie too! I can’t explain doggies either Frodo. I think they’re from another planet. Bessie the Basset sometimes rolls in stinky poo, but never catnip. Amarillo is purr-obably right to be skeptical, ’cause you never know – maybe Vincent is actually a zom! EEK!

  3. Awwww Frodo and Vincent are so adorable together! Too bad Vincent didn’t get how pawsome catnip is 🙂 But it sure looks they enjoy each other’s company! The last photo made me LOL!


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