Happy Holidays!

MERRY Holidays!

FRODO: Is it just me or can anyone else hear a bell jingle whenever I move my head?

ZULU: I love Christmas cause red is really my color! Don’t you ladies agree?

AMARULA: I really hope you like this sweater human. Cause it’s the last thing you’re ever gonna see once I get my claws on you!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Amarula In Denial

AMARULA: Snow? I don’t see any snow. Well, OK maybe there’s a bit of fluffy white stuff everywhere but I’m sure that’s just because a cloud exploded (likely something Frodo did) and it’s just taking a bit of time to clean the mess up. By the way…can we talk about this stupid festive collar you’re making me wear?

AMARULA: I’m just gonna take a quick (very quick…it’s cold out here!) nap and when I wake up I am sure the mess will all be cleaned up and the clear skies and sun will have returned….right?


We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

It’s Official: Winter Has Arrived

AMARULA: Oh God! It’s here AGAIN! Why does winter keep coming back!  I thought I scared it away last year!

AMARULA: Maybe if I look away for a second, it will go away…

AMARULA: Nope. Looks like it’s here to stay. That looking away and wishing something would disappear trick never works! God knows I’ve tried it enough times with Frodo!


FRODO: Did you just call me Amarula!? Here I am!! Isn’t the snow beautiful!?! Is there room for me to sit up there with you, side by side and cozy!!

AMARULA: I have a feeling it’s going to be a loooooooooog winter!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

A Drool-worthy Discovery!

Frodo always has wet patches by the sides of his mouth. Sometimes they get dirty and I have to clean them. I have always wondered why he gets them and I finally discovered why…….

Frodo is a drooler! Which should come as no surprise really!

FRODO: There are just so many things in life to drool over! Besides, it makes me more distinguished! Right?

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!