Wordless Wednesday: A Reason Why Cats Maybe Shouldn’t Be Allowed on The Kitchen Counter
They have no sense of personal space!
(don’t worry the oven wasn’t on!)
We are doing the Wordless Wednesday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
Three Canadian cats and their adventures
Wordless Wednesday: A Reason Why Cats Maybe Shouldn’t Be Allowed on The Kitchen Counter
They have no sense of personal space!
(don’t worry the oven wasn’t on!)
We are doing the Wordless Wednesday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
Amarula is doing the Friendly Fill Ins with 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
3. I’m proud to say Frodo only tries to play with me 15 times a day instead of 20. Clearly, I am slowly putting the fear of God into the copper-furred cretin.
4. The fact that I feel Frodo’s breath on the back of my neck and I know he can’t stay still for long make(s) me nervous.
He’s definitely more essential than my taxes which is what he’s sleeping on!
I am reposting this because it was erased (along with all the comments for it sadly) when I switched hosting companies (let’s hope nothing else gets erased and all goes well as the hosting transition continues!) Please don’t worry about reposting your comments – I just like this photo so wanted to repost it! thanks
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
ZULU: You ever have one of those Mondays where you’re just minding your own business when suddenly you get the feeling…
ZULU: That danger lurks on the other side of your cat tunnel?
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
Guess who started off Monday with a new toy!?
FRODO: If there’s no longer a bird attached to this feather why is it still flying around in the air?
FRODO: Almost got ya!
FRODO: Playing can be exhausting!
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!