Harry is Back!

You may recall that my neighbour’s cat Harry has really been hanging out in my yard a lot trying to make friends with the gang. I think he can tell Frodo is already won over but he is still working on Zulu and has even not given up on Amarula (little does he know he’s taking his life into his own paws by trying to win her over!)

Harry joining Frodo on his walk (note the size difference!)

Harry trying to convince Zulu that he is harmless

HARRY: Come on Amarula I am adorable! Let me be your friend

AMARULA: You have exactly 3 seconds to vacate the property or else things will get very ugly, very fast!

Hopefully Harry can win over Amarula and Zulu!

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Zulu and His New Friend

I often say that Zulu is a lover not a fighter. During supervised outdoor time he loves watching the squirrels and chipmunks, but unlike Amarula and Frodo who would love nothing better than to catch them, Zulu just likes to watch.

He seems to have no killer/hunting instinct at all!

Zulu is definitely more afraid of them than they are of him!

ALSO: I am off traveling again. This time to Malaysia for a few weeks so you may not hear from me for a bit (though I will certainly try to visit your websites on my 16 hour flight!)

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

They Missed Me!

Clearly the felines really missed me while I was away in Africa! They still won’t leave my side. While I was trying to work, Frodo kept trying to knead me and Zulu stood in front of the computer demanding attention.

ZULU: Frodo, that’s enough. It’s my turn for some attention!

ZULU: Mom what about me? (Zulu loves poking me if he thinks I am not paying enough attention to him)

Amarula was busy trying to make it clear to yet another neighbourhood cat, this one named Baz, (you may recall that we are getting frequent visits from Harry aka the Other Orange Menace, as Amarula likes to call him) that he was not welcome in our backyard!

Baz says Hello!

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Love is in The Air

You may recall from my post a few weeks ago that there is a neighbourhood cat named Harry who is really trying to win over the gang and convince them he could be their new best friend!

Frodo is on board and wants to invite Harry inside for a play date but Zulu and Amarula (in a rare moment of agreement) are definitely not in the mood for Harry’s love and friendship.

FRODO: Let’s invite Harry in! He is such a handsome cat it’s like I am looking into a mirror

ZULU: No way! I am outta here

ZULU: Now he is making house calls at night too!? Intolerable!

FRODO: Come on squeeze through the bars Harry!

AMARULA: If that orange menace comes any closer I am going to use him as my own personal scratching post

HARRY: Come on let me in! I love visiting all the neighbours!


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Intruder Alert!

NO! That orange and white kitty you see is not Frodo. It’s Harry! One of my neighbours got a young cat named Harry. Incredibly friendly. He keeps coming to my backyard to try to make friends with the cats.

Zulu took one look at Harry and made a run for it.

Despite his relaxed approach, Amarula has already attacked him twice but he just keeps coming back! He will not be deterred.

He’s a good climber and a bit of a daredevil.

And he spends a lot of time looking at Frodo (maybe he thinks he’s looking in a mirror) I thought Frodo would love him but there’s something about him that Frodo doesn’t like. Though Frodo won’t admit it, I think it has to do with Harry being orange and white just like him. Is it possible that sweet Frodo is actually experiencing jealousy!?

FRODO: That Harry is stealing my spotlight! I am supposed to be the most lovable Creamsicle kitty on the block!

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Where’s Frodo?

ZULU: Washing my self by the fire and warming my toesies!

ZULU: Hey, the fire has been on for 30 seconds now and not a sign of Frodo. Where could he be?

ZULU: Frodo where are you?

FRODO: Did I just hear my name? Coming bro! I was just taking a nap under mom’s winter jacket

ZULU: About time. Now i can get back to what i was doing!

FRODO: I can’t believe you almost had to enjoy the fireplace without me

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Frodo and Amarula Go Birding

You may recall from a couple of posts ago, that Amarula has become fascinated with bird TV.

She especially loves it on the large TV screen

AMARULA: Insolent bird! How dare you look me in the eyes! Why are you not quaking with fear?

Well after watching his sister have so much fun, Frodo decided to get into the action.

FRODO: Hi Mr. Bird

FRODO: You know I hate to say it but I don’t see what Amarula finds so fascinating about birds. They don’t seem to be great conversationalists at all!


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Cat Burglar In The Catnip Patch

This is Remington my neighbor’s cat. I found him having a great ole time in the kitties’ catnip patch.


Zulu, unfortunately, is not into sharing and growled and so Remington ran under the deck stairs and tried sneak out and around Zulu!

REMINGTON: I’m leaving Zulu! I’m leaving!

ZULU: Get out and stay out!

ZULU: I am a lover not a fighter but I will defend my catnip patch! (look at his fluffy tail–I have never seen it this fluffy!)

ZULU: It’s mine all mine!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Frodo Visits A Friend

Frodo likes to visit his indoor cat neighbor friend George Michael. The glass door allows them to practice safe physical distancing!

GEORGE: Hey Frodo good to see you

FRODO: It sure looks exciting in there George–can’t wait until I can come in and visit!

AMARULA: Hey George don’t get any ideas about visiting our home. I have a strict no visitors allowed policy. And glass or no glass I want you two six feet apart! And where are your face masks??

FRODO: I love you Amarula but you can sure be bossy!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!