A Basset Hound in Cape Town

Through a terrible accident I lost most of my previous posts from my original pet blog – A Basset Hound in Cape Town. But these were saved thanks to https://web.archive.org/ so I am posting them here!

Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well-liked and not soon forgotten

Shocking update of substantial proportions: we have moved!


We are still in Cape Town but in a new neighbourhood (which also explains why I have been so lax in my communications—we are still waiting for South African Telecom to set up our internet and phone line [it has already been three weeks!] and I had to find an internet cafe that would allow dogs so that I could write this…I would just love to take a bite out of SA Telecom’s big, juicy calves.). Anyway, that’s not the shocker—the appalling thing is that my parents did not consult me about the move! I wasn’t even asked to inspect the backyard, confirm there were an adequate number of fire hydrants and parks in the area, or ensure the neighbours were sufficiently dog-adoring.


The move happened so fast! One night I was awoken from a deep sleep, hit over the head, blindfolded, and shoved in a trunk only to be dumped hours later and barely alive in a ditch in front of our new abode…


Chosun the cat here…just ignore Charlie…as I’ve always said she’s a drama queen, not to mention barking mad…get it? Barking mad… (Ah, the feline wit, like our claws, is sharp). But I digress…the move was fine and we like our new place…I approve of my litter box placement in the new house and my scratching post is in a room with a view…and there appears to be a fine-looking female feline making occasional appearances in our back yard. (I may be 15 years old but I’m not dead.) And I still have the 50 pounds of cat treats Grandma MacGregor sent to keep me busy, so I’m happy. Who cares about the complaints of a curmudgeonly canine?


Sorry folks…Charlie again. Yes, I must admit that interfering feline is correct. The move was fine and I also like our new place so far (though I have seen shadows of a strange feline outside the window, which will require further investigation…). But in order to fully embrace this move I feel I must bid a proper adieu to our old home, and more importantly, I must give my former daily neighbourhood walk its due. I had to stay leashed at all times and there were some cantankerous cats that frequented the area, but all in all it was a fine walk. Voila:

The scenery was beautiful; Table Mountain always cut an imposing figure during my walks and the streets, lined with trees of all shapes and sizes, bougainvilleas, and even wild figs must have made Mother Nature proud.

dogwalk2  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten


dogwalk  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten

Here I am with dad; I am trying to escape my symbol of servitude (a.k.a. my leash)

dadandcharlie trying to free myself from symbole of servitude  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten

I was especially lucky when, in the last few months, a pair of ibises (known as hadedas) built a nest in a nearby tree and had chicks. A variety of detritus was always falling out of the nest so there were always good smells to rub in while mom was distracted staring at the birds. There is nothing quite like ibis poo to really make a canine SMELL! Mom was never too pleased but I shall miss my pungent, ibis-induced odour. If only it could be bottled.

poobath  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten


Of course it is my friends I shall miss most of all.


There were always dozens of dogs to say hi to.

sayhitofriends1  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten


My best friend was Charlie. Human Charlie. He always said I gave the name character and he was proud to share the moniker with me. He always took time to give me a big hug.

charlieandcharlie1  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten

Though I certainly won’t miss this neighbourhood bully. He was my nemesis (second only to Chosun). I never did get his name but I always encountered him on my neighbourhood walks. Worse yet, mom used to always stop to pet it (thank God dad had the good sense to ignore the flea-ridden beast). I never did get to give it a good chase…a bet he would have tasted good…one of my regrets…

myenemieslayinwait nowhereissafe  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten

We would always end the walks with a jaunt in this parkette. Though small, it was often filled with children who I often find are my most adoring fans (and usually often have sticky fingers from recently eaten snacks, which I am only too happy to clean). Sometimes mom would even offer the kids dog cookies to give to me (though this ritual came to a rather sad and abrupt end recently when one of the kids thought the cookie was for himself and promptly ate it before anyone had a chance to realize what was happening).

admireers  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten

Oh you crazy, not-too-bright-kids, I shall miss you too…

So in conclusion, a solid six paws out of 10 for my former Claremont walk. (I did have to stay leashed for which I detract a few points)

Finally, I would also like to take this moment for a little aside to let you know that Oscar was adopted and is from all reports doing extremely well!

I also want to take this opportunity to include some photos of my most recently acquired friends with whom I soon hope to go for walks with.

My new friend Roxy. She was recently adopted from a rescue organization. I am sure she is going to have a great life.

roxy  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten




Obviously a trio of trouble. I met their mother at the market and she had read my blog! She must be a saint taking on three bassets! (Though she didn’t ask for an autograph, which I thought was strange, probably too overwhelmed by my star quality)

GetInline  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten



Baileys’ parents also read my blog (clearly a sign they are very intelligent). Can’t wait to meet her.

baileys.summer2010  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten




A new friend from Canada, Voodoo, my cousin Cori’s gorgeous lab. Maybe she will bring him down to South Africa so we can go for a run!

voodoo  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten


And yes, even a human. Though I don’t usually include such photos (humans are just not as distinguished as us canines) I will include them if they are really good-looking. As Anya Bourke-Moffatt clearly is! Hopefully she will grow up knowing that dog biscuits are for sharing not eating!

anya canadaday  Ode to a last neighbourhood dog walk in Claremont; well liked and not soon forgotten


Coming soon…update on my new place and stomping grounds.