A Catnapping Tortie

We had 10 inches of snow yesterday and it started snowing again just now but all is well with the world when you’re sitting next to a sleeping tortie!


I mean is there anything cuter?!?!

oh oh! A woken up tortie is more dangerous than cute

AMARULA: That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all day! Who dares to wake a sleeping tortie? Now let me get back to my beauty sleep (though I clearly don’t need it)

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

Let Sleeping Cats Lie!

I got an early Christmas present! A very RARE site indeed. All three kitties in bed together!

I am used to waking up with Zulu and Frodo, but Amarula usually jumps right off the bed when she sees the other two. This time she stayed for a whole five minutes! She must be filled with the Christmas spirit! Humbug!

AMARULA: I am clearly sleepwalking! There is no explanation for me to be here with those two otherwise! Sleepwalking I tell you! I am definitely not filled with Christmas Spirit!


We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

Amarula is Snowed Under

Much like the rest of us, Amarula has spent the day staring balefully out the window wondering how to deal with the 20 centimetres of snow that just fell!

AMARULA: Why won’t the snow stop? When is summer going to arrive again? Why is this happening to me?

AMARULA: YOU did this! I know somehow this is your fault human!

AMARULA: Yes, I mean YOU!

On a more cheerful note, there was a fox in our neighbourhood yesterday sunning himself in a neighbour’s backyard. Likely trying to enjoy the sun before this terrible snow storm! I got some nice photos


We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Amarula: Queen Of The Catnip Patch!

ZULU: How I love to enjoy the last bit of garden catnip before winter arrives and covers it all. So relaxing…


ZULU: Frodo what are you doing!?

FRODO: It’s my catnip patch! Mine!

FRODO: Sorry Zulu but I can’t be Mr. Nice Guy when it comes to catnip. It’s the only time I don’t want to share

ZULU: Fine it’s all yours! But I have a feeling it won’t be yours for long! I will get my revenge

ZULU: Ha Ha! Look who’s coming. You’re in trouble now! I am otta here

FRODO: Oh oh…

AMARULA: Whose catnip patch were you saying this belongs to Frodo?

FRODO: Ah…both of us…?


FRODO: I’ll just wait over here until you’re done playing in your catnip patch Amarula

AMARULA: Right answer Frodo

ZULU: Ha! Sweet revenge!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Let Me In

AMARULA: ok I am ready to come in now and you know I don’t like to be kept waiting!

AMARULA: Let me in!!!!

AMARULA: ok you asked for it. I will bite every deliver person who comes on the porch so you’ll never get your Amazon deliveries

AMARULA: Yum! I can taste the meaty calves of all the delivery people already!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!