Neighborhood Watch

Frodo: It’s my turn to do neighborhood watch!

FRODO: I know you’re all thinking that I am too cute to guard the neighborhood but I can be vigilant!

FRODO: I can even look mean when I have to!

FRODO: And rumors of my sleeping on the job have been greatly exaggerated!

Frodo: So who wants to hire me to guard your neighborhood? I accept payment in the forms of catnip, tuna and hugs!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Tunnel Vision

ZULU: Zzzzzzz…..

FRODO: Hey Zulu?

ZULU: What is it Frodo?

FRODO: Why do you get to stay in the open tunnel and I have to be locked in the tent?

ZULU: Cause mom says you are a “roamer.” You are too friendly [not to mention not too bright] and would wander off and get lost

FRODO: Seems unfair! Why do they trust you so much?

ZULU: oh come on! Who wouldn’t trust this face!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Jail Break!

(I think the cats may not have noticed that I opened the door to their catio)

AMARULA: Oh why does the human insist on keeping us in this cat containment unit??!

FRODO: Actually Amarula, I think we’re free…

AMARULA: You mean free to be miserable locked in this prison with you…

FRODO: Amarula, sometimes I think you make a prison of your own mind…

AMARULA: Oh brother! Do you see what I have to deal with here?

AMARULA: A tortie can not be caged!! I shall escape soon

AMARULA: If I close my eyes I can almost smell freedom…

FRODO: I just smell my feet! And I always feel fancy free when I am with you Amarula!

AMARULA: I wish we could cage in your enthusiasm!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!