You may recall from my post a few weeks ago that there is a neighbourhood cat named Harry who is really trying to win over the gang and convince them he could be their new best friend!
Frodo is on board and wants to invite Harry inside for a play date but Zulu and Amarula (in a rare moment of agreement) are definitely not in the mood for Harry’s love and friendship.

FRODO: Let’s invite Harry in! He is such a handsome cat it’s like I am looking into a mirror
ZULU: No way! I am outta here

ZULU: Now he is making house calls at night too!? Intolerable!

FRODO: Come on squeeze through the bars Harry!

AMARULA: If that orange menace comes any closer I am going to use him as my own personal scratching post

HARRY: Come on let me in! I love visiting all the neighbours!
We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!