Home Sweet Home!

I’m back from my trip to Spain! The trio spent about 10 minutes greeting me but an hour checking out the suitcase! They each had their own typical reaction to my return…

ZULU: You went all the way to Spain and didn’t bring me back a Flamenco outfit?!

FRODO: Yeah! So glad mom is back. I’m going to stay in the suitcase so you have to take me with you on your next trip!

AMARULA: What do you mean you didn’t bring me back a Spanish mouse or even some Spanish cat nip? I am not amused.

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Wordless Wednesday: When the Cat’s Away….

(Not quite so) Wordless Wednesday: When the cat’s away the mice will play! Let’s check in on the cats and see what they are up to while the human is traveling in Spain…

Zulu is discovering new and exciting things…

ZULU: What!? No one ever told me there was a mirror up here! The gold frame really sets off my fur! Why would mom not let me up here? I’m never leaving this perch!

As expected, Frodo continues to discover more tangled sleeping positions…

FRODO: Zzzzzzzzz

And Amarula is her usual self…

AMARULA: Where is the human!? Not that I miss her, of course, but someone should be here to worship me 24/7!

Luckily the human is home soon!

We’re joining Wordless Wednesday from Comedy Plus


Frodo: Guilty or Innocent?

THE HUMAN: Oh oh! Someone got into the catnip! I think it was you Frodo!

FRODO: What makes you think it was me?

FRODO: Well yes, it is catnip that I’m licking off myself at the moment but I don’t know what happened! Honest! I don’t know how I got all covered in it!

FRODO: One minute I was sleeping….And when I woke up I was covered in it!

FRODO: But it just doesn’t make sense! Who would wanna frame little ole me??

Who indeed…(look closely under the chair!)

PS: The human is away for the next two weeks –she will try to post sometimes but please forgive her if she can’t make comments on your blogs as often as usual!

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!


Amarula Has A Nose For Trouble!

AMARULA: What’s that you say?

AMARULA: My Tortie nose is so cute you want to touch it?

AMARULA: Go ahead, pet my nose. Don’t be put off my the fact that it’s incredibly close to my pointy teeth. You can trust me…

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader! We are also joining Feline Friday from Comedy Plus.

1. Luring humans into a false sense of security and getting them to do something stupid like pet my nose is one of my many talents.

2. I am ready for winter to be over. Enough already!
3. I have a hard time being modest due to my overwhelming intelligence and beauty. Clearly, Frodo and Zulu can’t sympathize with my “burden”.

4.Being Tortielicious is easy for me.

The Great Escape (Again!)

So Frodo ran out when I went to take out the garbage again! And he found the only snow-free area in the whole yard!

FRODO: I don’t know what Amarula is complaining about; there’s not snow everywhere! Look at this area by the garage. It’s a little snow-free oasis.

FRODO: The sun is so nice and warm I can have a little nap.

FRODO: Oh no! Mom spotted me!

FRODO: Come on mom, just another couple minutes outside please!


FRODO: The only issue is that I keep getting pieces of snow stuck to my paws.

FRODO: It’s cold and hard to get off my paws!

FRODO: Is the snow moving?? It does seem to be getting closer! MOM!!!

FRODO: Mom come rescue me! I am ready to come in now!


We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!