FRODO: It’s here it’s here! Our Santa Paws Secret Santa gift arrived all the way from Australia from the wonderful Pawesome cats!
FRODO: Enough photos! Can we open these?
FRODO: WOW! Can’t wait to watch the video and that tuna looks delicious!
AMARULA: I claim everything!!
ZULU: Get away Frodo that tuna is mine!!
AMARULA: Enough already! No more photos! Give me tuna!
Frodo and Amarula ate the tuna immediately! But where’s Zulu?!
ZULU: What kind of cat do you think I am! Even for tuna I won’t eat on the floor! Bring my dish to the table so I can eat like a civilized feline!
ZULU: Yum!!
FRODO: I especially loved the movie just for cats!!
FRODO: I just don’t get why these creatures in the movie don’t understand that it’s OK to come out of the TV and play with me in person!!
Thanks so much Pawesome cats!!! We loved EVERYTHING!
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!