Spring Has Come Again!?!

AMARULA: Thank goodness! No one explained to me that because winter had indeed returned so too would spring likewise make a welcome reappearance! That means I can leave the house and survey my domain!

best part of spring

You know what the best part of spring is? Not the fresh scent of the air, or mom’s tulips that need chewing but the site of the kittens staring at me jealously through the screen!! Hee Hee


Wait a minute…does the return of spring mean that those nasty squirrels are back too??

amarula and sq

Zulu Up to No Good

Sometimes when I hear Amarula crying at the door for mom to let her in, I think of alerting mom to her pleas. But then I remember how Amarula always makes fun of Biltong and me and then I start to caterwaul to drown out Amarula’s cries! Mom thinks I’m a real poet and just love to express myself! Hee hee

zulu laughing

Biltong even helps me caterwaul:



We are so funny!
