Let Me Out!

Sunny weather is here and Frodo wants out!

FRODO: Let me out please! I’m ready for some supervised outdoor time!

FRODO: What’s taking so long? Let me show you how it’s done!

FRODO: Almost…

FRODO: Got it! Sunshine here I come!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

A Step In The Wrong Direction

What could Amarula be waiting for….

AMARULA: I see you Zulu. I’m claiming the main floor as a ZULU free zone so I would not take another step if I were you!

ZULU: Out of my way Amarula! I’m coming down

AMARULA: Do I look like I am joking? Torties don’t joke.

ZULU: I hate it when you decide to assert your tortietude!

AMARULA: I am willing to be reasonable and will let you back on to the main floor for three cans of tuna and the password to your Amazon account.

ZULU: Pfffffffff!

AMARULA: I declare the main floor a totalitarian state with me as its leader! Long live the reign of the tortie!

ZULU: Mom! Amarula has been at the catnip again! A little help here please!


We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!