The Human: So I bought this tent because I’ve had issues with a certain mancat who keeps trying to escape the yard during supervised outdoor time. Can you guess who?
FRODO: Who me?
FRODO: Nooooooooooo
FRODO: I’m innocent I swear!
FRODO: I’ll be good, let me out!
FRODO: I was framed! Set me free!
FRODO: These walls will never hold me!
FRODO: Hey! Can somebody phone my lawyer?
We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop
Either let me out or I am going to turn this thing into shabby chic, with heavy emphasis on the shabby!!!
Frodo is like Cody. Cody isn’t a fan of being “enclosed” unless it is HIS choice.
I can hear all the let me out of here. So cute.
Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ☺
That is a cool tent Frodo. You are a lucky boy.
Hahaha. This tent doesn’t stand a chance! I’m sure you’ll take your claws to help you out!
Oh Frodo we can hear you from Finland(N). We wish we could help you; that tent is far too small and you need a huge Catio, with wire that is big enough to allow snacks to fly in. We feel your pain, we really do.
How ruff us this?! And she doesn’t even allow you a call phone? That’s just.. just… Medieval.
Nobody puts Frodo in jail! (To paraphrase a line from ‘Dirty Dancing’)
Aww…we would help! XO
dood……total lee….we haz contacted an a tern knee & himz on de way…… az we type ~~~~~
That’s a really cool tent, Frodo, but we see a jailbreak in a very close future ! Purrs
Frodo…I’m sending over a tuna cake with a file in it. Jailbreak!!
You poor little guy! If you manage to sneak out again you’re more than welcome to head our way, cutie pie!
Se você não consegui resistir a tentação de pular a cerca é melhor ficar preso na tenda. Hihi
No help from us. We are not allowed out and mum thinks that tent is a great idea 😮
Mums are fun killers.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Poor Frodo! You look perfectly miserable!
We had a very similar tent for our boys once upon a time. They weren’t so excited about it. You look so unhappy in there, Frodo! Got to break out of AlCATraz!
At least ya get to be outside! I’m stuck inside.
Who dare putting you in jail ?
It’s an awful situation !
I hope that you will find a way out.
It’s sad, but the best thing to do is … . Be a good mancat, stay inside your garden, under your human’s supervision.
WHAT?!?!?! AMARULA!!! The moron is finally trying to run off with PlayDoh!!! Surely you can “help,” right?!?! Then you wouldn’t have to deal with him anymore! The very least you could do is torment him by prancing around on the other side (I want pictures … a prancing tortie should never go to waste). ~Bear Cat
Well, at least it’s not a pup tent!
Sorry we are so late with this but thank you for your comforting words on the loss of our sweet Ellie. We are heartbroken.
The Florida Furkids
Frodo, that’s one epically epic cat containment unit aka CCU – we have one too and it’s great, especially fur Fudge who is a complete nightmare when outside on his own!
Big hugs
Basil & Co xox
Just stopping by again to say ‘hi” to my gorgeous tortie, Amarula <3 ~Bear Cat
such a tent wouldn’t have lasted long with Frimousse’s claws!