Nap Time in ALCATraz

You may remember how upset Frodo gets when I put him in ALCATraz (aka the cat house of shame) when we are outside and he is refusing to stay on our property.

You can read about it here. But what you don’t know is that when he thinks I am not looking he actually stops caterwauling and gets quite comfy inside his cat tent.

FRODO: Oh good, she’s gone! I can get comfy….

Now that’s a comfy, very relaxed cat!

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

  1. I would like to interview _the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. Just what the heck is he grinning about! I need to know!
  2. I would like to be interviewed by Playcat. I know I would make a wonderful centerfold!
  3. Halloween night I plan to scare the bejesus out of all the neighborhood kids. I have been practicing my best caterwauling all month.
  4. Once Halloween is over, I can stop practicing my caterwauling and resume writing my sure-to-be best-seller “Amarula’s Guide to a Tortielicious World Takeover”


Escape From AlCATraz

The Human: So I bought this tent because I’ve had issues with a certain mancat who keeps trying to escape the yard during supervised outdoor time. Can you guess who?

FRODO: Who me?

FRODO: Nooooooooooo

FRODO: I’m innocent I swear!

FRODO: I’ll be good, let me out!

FRODO: I was framed! Set me free!

FRODO: These walls will never hold me!

FRODO: Hey! Can somebody phone my lawyer?

We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop