Caturday Art: Napping Kitties and The Versatile Blogger Award


Everyone seemed to love the photo of Amarula and her “prey” napping on the sidewalk together so much that it deserved to be art! This Caturday Art is in an oil-painting style — it makes the two sworn enemies almost look like friends! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art blog hop (see below)

The Versatile Blogger Award

We also wanted to send a big thank you to our friends Kali and Shoko from the Canadian Cats blog for nominating us for The Versatile Blogger Award– Here are the rules:

  •  Thank the person who gave you this award.
  •  Include a link to their blog.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Well as to choosing ONLY 15, most of the ones Zulu, Frodo and Amarula picked were already nominated! But we did want to send a very big shout out to 15 and Meowing and The Tabbies of Trout Towne. They were the first two cat blogs to ever follow Hairballs and Hissyfits and make comments! They will always have a special place in all of our hearts…We can’t even begin to tell them how much their supports means to us!

And here are seven things about us that you may not know:

  1. Amarula was a stray cat in South Africa and her human brought her back with her when she returned to Canada.
  2. Amarula was once actually friends with a basset hound and a lovely ginger cat who belonged to her human when Amarula first came into her life (they have since gone to the Rainbow Bridge).
  3. Zulu had a beloved brother named Biltong that mom misses very very much, as does Zulu. Biltong died of kidney disease before he turned three. You can read about him here.
  4. Frodo was not always allowed outside on supervised outdoor treks.
  5. Amarula had to be taught to use a litter box.
  6. Frodo loves babies.
  7. Zulu once challenged Amarula to a fight!

Thanks again to Kali and Shoko and all our new friends in the cat blogoshpere!

Sherlock Hopeless: Pet Detective

AMARULA: As you may recall, dear readers, we recently had a feline interloper in MY backyard whose interest in Frodo showed she was clearly deranged and possibly rabid. After the last encounter, I promised I would track down where this hussy lives and introduce her to Ms. CLAWS (if you know what I mean!) Being a woman of my word, I have been prowling the neighborhood at all hours hoping to catch site of the miscreant.  I am sad to report that so far I have not found a single sign of the fluffy trespasser!


AMARULA: Yesterday, I thought I was close…I felt an evil presence everywhere I turned and I could not shake the feeling that I was being watched!


AMARULA: The sensation that I was SO CLOSE to my prey haunted me and yet I could not find her! The stress was too much and I decided that what I really needed was a good nap to help revive me.


AMARULA: After a short 12 hour nap, I was still unable to allay my feelings of unease. Where is that felonious feline?! Despondent, I just stared at the sidewalk for hours!


AMARULA: Don’t you worry, I shall never give up! I am a fierce hunting feline. I am legendary for my superior tracking and detective skills and I am sure I will soon find my prey! I shall not give up! At least I can still amuse myself by participating in the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Winter: Is It Over Yet?


AMARULA: I have a brilliant plan to beat winter this year….


AMARULA: I am going to close my eyes and when I open them all these leaves are going to be gone and winter will have moved on!


AMARULA: Nooooooooooo! It didn’t work! How dare you disobey me Mother Nature!!!



Despite the fact that winter appears to have me beat, I did my regular Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

  1. Why Cats are Better Than Dogs and Should be Human’s Overloards_should be taught in schools.
  2.  The last item I donated was … an especially nicely shaped piece of poo. I didn’t even charge for it! I’m not sure why, but my human minion loves to collect them!
  3. My (personal) song is Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent because I so love the idea that a tiny scratch from my little ole claw could make a human sick…such power!
  4. Three things I am thankful for this week are: my good looks, a clean litter box, and my good looks (I really am just that beautiful).


Man Crush Monday: A Tail of Love


AMARULA: As you may remember, on one of my neighborhood walks, I recently met the dreamy man cat Charlie. Well all this cold weather and thoughts of imminent winter made my blood ran cold so I figured a visit with Charlie would warm me up!


AMARULA: I was so happy when I saw him my tail went straight up into the air!


AMARULA: Meow! I have such a crush on my man cat!


AMARULA: We spend the rest of the day hanging out! I love Man Crush Mondays!

And I am doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Winter is Coming: Run!


AMARULA: Zzzzzz….snore….snore….zzzzz..


AMARULA: What the heck!! I have a little snooze and I wake up to find that the trees are crying and I’m surrounded by all their colorful tears!


AMARULA: It all seems familiar somehow…something at the back of my mind….something unpleasant….


AMARULA: Wait a minute….I know what these leaves mean….Oh God!… It can’t be back already?!… Can it?!…it can’t be true…


AMARULA: WINTER IS COMING! Run for the hills! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Before Amarula freaked out, she did her regular Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

ZULU: Oh Goody! I want to do the Fill-ins this week…Peace is …well the question of peace was perhaps best analyzed by the great Germany philosopher Emmanuel Kant who said….

AMARULA: Shut up Zulu! No one wants to hear your inane prattle…..Here are my insightful answers!

  1. Peace is overrated otherwise, I ask you, why would we felines have claws?.
    2. I need to take care of that mouse that comes every fall to live in the kitchen under the oven, but I keep procrastinating cause I love it when it scares the heck out of the human! Hee hee
    3. A friend is any cat that righly recognizes he or she should both fear and worship me!
  2. I want to try to learn to use a can opener so I don’t have to rely on the human for wet food!





Happy Halloween From the Trick or Treating Trio!




FRODO: I love Halloween!! I love costume changes and visitors so Halloween is one of my favorite times of year! Happy Halloween everyone!


ZULU: Well, though I love having my photo taken and wearing clothing of distinction, I certainly do not like polyester, and neon green is definitely not my color! But, all in all, I guess Halloween is OK! Happy Halloween!


AMARULA: Halloween? I’m against it. But I do love Halloween slideshows and artistic pumpkins! So Frodo, Zulu and I want to thank once again Nellie —for the great pumpkin–and Peaches and Paprika for the amazing slideshow!!


Happy Halloween! And we are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Sunday Selfie Blog Hop: It’s Amarula’s Turn!

Sunday Selfie Blog Hiop cat cute
Sunday Selfies!

AMARULA: Sundays? I’m against them.

Selfies? Ditto!

Ties? I think you know where this is going…

But I can’t have those nincompoops Frodo and Zulu wearing ties and getting all the attention at the Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by the Cat on My Head without doing something about it! I am clearly the brains and looks behind this operation! Now, all you cats out there, stop reading this blog and go sharpen your canines and claws! We got a bunch of sugar-addicted trick or treaters to terrorize tomorrow night! Felines unite and aim for the ankles! Mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha

I’m joining Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by the Cat on My Head!






