Caturday Art: The Art of A Hug

This is taken from yesterday’s post of Amarula getting a hug from Frodo (and thanks to all of you who went to fellow cat blogger Frimousse’s site to pass on condolences about the loss of RouXy! I know he appreciated it)

Frodo and Amarula hugging is a rare site so I thought I would immortalize it through art!

This is with Dreamscope’s tree filter. It’s a little melancholic:

This is with Lunapic’s Nouveau filter, which is much less somber!

The originals:

We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art blog hop!

18 thoughts on “Caturday Art: The Art of A Hug”

  1. I really like that Nouveau filter on the actual hug shot!
    ps – About Frodo and Amarula … You bring up a good point about playing. Bear REALLY wanted to play with Kitty and missed the cues that she just wanted to be left alone. I actually think that explanation works better with what I know about Bear than the dominance one. It never settled quite right with me … but it was obvious at the time he wanted a playmate 🙂

  2. Wow…. we love all of the pieces of art; however, mom really loves anything resembling stained glass so the 2nd and 3rd are winners!
    Hugs madi and mom

  3. “Interesting, ” my Master says. But he is in no mood to post articles, or write comments, at the smoment. And neither am I. ..
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Rain here but the snow is just slightly above our house. Tonight, maybe….


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