Hi everyone! It’s been a tough few weeks here! Zulu got very sick and stopped eating.
It looks like it was a parasite (Tritrichomonas and his pills finally now seem to be working) but the big issue was that he completely stopped eating and nothing I did or pills he took until recently seemed to help (even mirtazapine would not increase his appetite).
Worse yet, due to a heart condition that we discovered at the vet at the beginning of the month (a third-degree atrioventricular block of the heart)–October has been a crazy month — he was never supposed to go under anaesthesia again as the likely prognosis was that he would die as his heart would stop. My sister (his talented vet) said that he needed a feeding tube but at first she did not want to attempt it for fear he would not survive the operation. But as things got worse she decided to risk it (and another vet at her clinic offered to assist which was also very kind as no vet wants to operate on a patient that could pass during surgery). So, anyway, long story short. They did the surgery on Friday and he not only survived but is doing very well. His stomach seems to be better. The only issue is that he still will only eat very little on his own but my sister says to give him time and at least, in the meantime, I can make sure he is eating enough via the feeding tube. See for yourself how he is doing!

Zulu getting some supervised sun time in the garden.

Playing in the catnip patch.

Trying to get my attention as I attempt to work!

And much needed rest and quality time with his brother Frodo in front of the fire.
The only issue now is that hopefully he will soon start eating on his own so we can remove the tube (though it can stay in for months if needed).
Please send positive thoughts and wish us luck! Thank you all (and forgive me for not visiting your blogs in awhile)!
We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!