NO! That orange and white kitty you see is not Frodo. It’s Harry! One of my neighbours got a young cat named Harry. Incredibly friendly. He keeps coming to my backyard to try to make friends with the cats.
Zulu took one look at Harry and made a run for it.
Despite his relaxed approach, Amarula has already attacked him twice but he just keeps coming back! He will not be deterred.
He’s a good climber and a bit of a daredevil.
And he spends a lot of time looking at Frodo (maybe he thinks he’s looking in a mirror) I thought Frodo would love him but there’s something about him that Frodo doesn’t like. Though Frodo won’t admit it, I think it has to do with Harry being orange and white just like him. Is it possible that sweet Frodo is actually experiencing jealousy!?
FRODO: That Harry is stealing my spotlight! I am supposed to be the most lovable Creamsicle kitty on the block!
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