Charlie Comes For Another Visit

Charlie the neighborhood cat is still making appearances and seems intent on befriending the felines! (Note that Zulu is still wearing his feeding tube but is eating fully on his own! We are just keeping it on for an extra bit of time to ensure he doesn’t have a relapse!)

ZULU: ok Charlie, just one kiss!

FRODO: I love making friends but am not sure this house can handle two handsome orange mancats!

CHARLIE: Why don’t they invite me in? How are they able to resist this face?

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

Frodo and Amarula in the Catnip Patch

AMARULA: Frodo move out of the catnip patch I want my turn! Winter is coming fast and we don’t have much more time to enjoy the patch!

FRODO: Come rub my tummy Amarula!

AMARULA: I am not rubbing your tummy! This is so ridiculous

AMARULA: Look, you stay in your corner and I will stay in mine and enjoy this clump

FRODO: Ok Amarula. Sounds like a deal though I still don’t understand why you don’t want to snuggle in my sunbeam!

PS Zulu says hi and is doing well though still not eating on his own yet

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

Harry is Back!

You may recall that my neighbour’s cat Harry has really been hanging out in my yard a lot trying to make friends with the gang. I think he can tell Frodo is already won over but he is still working on Zulu and has even not given up on Amarula (little does he know he’s taking his life into his own paws by trying to win her over!)

Harry joining Frodo on his walk (note the size difference!)

Harry trying to convince Zulu that he is harmless

HARRY: Come on Amarula I am adorable! Let me be your friend

AMARULA: You have exactly 3 seconds to vacate the property or else things will get very ugly, very fast!

Hopefully Harry can win over Amarula and Zulu!

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

Scenes From The Backyard

What are the cats up to in the backyard this summer’s day?…

Zulu always looks like he’s melting! (He doesn’t have to stay in the catio because he can be trusted to never leave the backyard) The black tube behind the chair is a place for the chipmunks to hide if the neighbour’s cat (a way-too-skilled hunter) comes by


Frodo is loving his catio time like always

Amarula is on the back deck as far from the other cats as possible

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

They Missed Me!

Clearly the felines really missed me while I was away in Africa! They still won’t leave my side. While I was trying to work, Frodo kept trying to knead me and Zulu stood in front of the computer demanding attention.

ZULU: Frodo, that’s enough. It’s my turn for some attention!

ZULU: Mom what about me? (Zulu loves poking me if he thinks I am not paying enough attention to him)

Amarula was busy trying to make it clear to yet another neighbourhood cat, this one named Baz, (you may recall that we are getting frequent visits from Harry aka the Other Orange Menace, as Amarula likes to call him) that he was not welcome in our backyard!

Baz says Hello!

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!