ZULU: What the heck!? Who is this new cat hanging out with Frodo? It isn’t Play-Doh. Normally I like to leave the life-threatening tasks investigating up to Amarula…
AMARULA: You mean you prefer to cower in the basement whenever potential danger arises!
ZULU: Quiet Amarula! It’s not my fault that I just happen to be hanging out in the basement whenever a dangerous situation comes up! Anyway, I am off to investigate…
ZULU: Oh boy! This is pretty scary! Is it just me or does this black and white cat seem very menacing!?
ZULU: Is that a jailhouse tattoo I see on its paw!? Is this kitty a street tough? Does anyone see any gang affiliation tats? I don’t know about this!
ZULU: Oh gee! There are just so many concealed weapons all that fluff could be hiding! Is that the scent of blood I smell? Is the cat giving me the evil eye?
ZULU: Don’t make eye contact!
ZULU: I am otta here!
ZULU: I am just going to keep at a safe distance! Oh no! Is that Monochrome Menace still staring at me!??
ZULU: What’s that mom? You say you have something in the basement you need me to see! I am coming….
And we are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!