Frodo Is Adjusting Well to Prison Life

As you know I got the cats a catio last year. Out of all the cats, can you guess who loves it the best?:

Frodo spends long hours hanging out in the sunshine in his catio!

Many hours!

FRODO: Mom you’ve gotta tell me when you are taking pictures so I can wash up and make sure I look good.

I can do tricks too–see how I can touch my nose with my tongue!?

Yep! Frodo is definitely adjusting to “prison” life in the catio!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Amarula’s In Hiding

We are having a run of very hot weather here and Amarula tries to escape it by sleeping in the shade under the chairs (it’s also the perfect hiding spot from Frodo and Zulu too)

AMARULA: Damn! You found me!

AMARULA: Listen human, you better not tell Frodo and Zulu where I am hiding or there will be consequences!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! The human is back from an amazing time in Peru and giving the kitties plenty of love!

Zulu was very happy to have someone home to help him look his best in a stylish hat.

Frodo was pooped out from giving mom so much loving when she got home!

Amarula is still sulking and not sure when she is gonna forgive the human for leaving for two weeks to Peru!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Frodo Gets A Visitor In The Catio

Frodo loves visitors of all kinds (more friends to hug!!) and his favorite, right after fellow felines and dogs, are human children (seriously). Today the neighbor’s son Finn came over and insisted in getting in the cat containment unit with Frodo! Frodo was overjoyed!

FRODO: Hey Finn, nice to meet you!

And even though Finn gave Frodo a gentle, little tail pull (what kid can resist?), Frodo did not hold a grudge (or even try to run away for that matter)!

FRODO: Come in for a hug Finn!

FRODO: And don’t go without giving me a belly rub!

Frodo really does love everyone!

NOTE: The human will be away in PERU!! for the next two weeks so please excuse a lack of posts and visiting other blogs during that time! And don’t worry the cats are in good hands with my neighbor who is a crazy cat person too!

Bad Kitty, Good Kitty

Good kitties are allowed to walk around in the back yard (supervised). Bad kitties must be locked up because they can’t be trusted not to try and take off to wander around and see who in the neighborhood they can offer a hug to. Can you guess which cat is which!?

Zulu is a good kitty who always stays close to his mommy…

Frodo is a very, very bad kitty!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Zulu Gets Jealous

So I was taking photos of Frodo when this happened…

Come on Frodo, look at the camera…

ZULU: Hey! Why are you taking photos of Frodo? I love him and all but I am the photogenic one in the family! Pay me some photographic attention!

FRODO: Come here Zulu! I would love to give you some attention!

FRODO: Come closer….

FRODO: Closer! I love giving hugs!

ZULU: I don’t want a hug! I want my photo taken!

FRODO: OK How about a quick love bite then?


ZULU: Ok I call a truce as long as mom takes my photo!

ZULU: After all we all know who the best looking cat in the house is right?

AMARULA: We sure do….

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!


Amarula Makes A Bargain

AMARULA: Oh God! The human has that look on her face again as though she is in awe of my beauty and is about to sqweeee her head off! She should be used to my gorgeousness by now. I have to nip this in the bud before she actually tries to pick me up and hug me….

AMARULA: Human! I will make a bargain with you…If you leave me alone for the rest of the day I will allow you one quick tummy rub…

AMARULA: …And one fast toe squeeze, and in return I will only scratch you exactly three and a half times and bite your ankle in a way that bruises but doesn’t break the skin. What do you say? Do we have a bargain?

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!