Bad Kitty, Good Kitty

Good kitties are allowed to walk around in the back yard (supervised). Bad kitties must be locked up because they can’t be trusted not to try and take off to wander around and see who in the neighborhood they can offer a hug to. Can you guess which cat is which!?

Zulu is a good kitty who always stays close to his mommy…

Frodo is a very, very bad kitty!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

21 thoughts on “Bad Kitty, Good Kitty”

  1. I’ve never seen a bad kitty and I don’t thing Frodo is a bad kitty. Just a curious kitty.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday. My best to your mom. β™₯

  2. LOL I guessed right πŸ™‚ Zulu, you are such a good kitty and so handsome! Frodo, we know you just want to hug everyone…:-) Enjoy a nice time in the sun!


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