Zulu’s World-wind Tour of the Great Outdoors!

FRODO: As you know, I faltered a little a couple of days ago when I tried to go outside for my first exploration of the backyard. It was all so darn exciting that I was just plain overwhelmed. Luckily, big brother Zulu was at the ready to help me and he took me out for a personalized tour!



ZULU: Alright Frodo just stay close and follow me! I’ll teach you all about the outdoors.


chew grass

ZULU: This is my favorite pile of grass. Try to have a good chew at least once daily. You can also expect to throw up the grass sometime around midnight. Never fails! This is mom’s least favorite part of the backyard!

FRODO: YUMMY!! This grass is almost better than tuna!

ZULU: And remember to always take time to bask in the sun! Spending time in the sun outdoors is even better than lying in a sunbeam in the window!


ZULU: Over here is what I like to call my own private privy! But you have to bring your own toilet paper!


ZULU: Now we are going towards the area where mom is trying to make a rock garden. It is very important to stay away from here and not dig up stuff!


ZULU: Well, since this is your first time maybe we can go a little closer just this once!


ZULU: And always keep an eye out for Amarula. She loves to step on the leash!


ZULU: And the most important things is to always make time to smell the flowers!


ZULU: I have a feeling you are gonna love it out here Frodo!

FRODO: Me too!


4 thoughts on “Zulu’s World-wind Tour of the Great Outdoors!”

  1. guys….big brotherz R de best !!!!!! glad ya both getted in sum sun & fun
    N heerz hopin ya get another chance ta due sew again ♥♥♥


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