FRODO: What the heck (oh pardon my language) what the goodness is going on outside?
THE HUMAN: Surprise! I got the cats an outdoor cat containment unit from Habitat Haven a wonderful company from nearby Toronto that makes safe outdoor areas for cats and dogs!!! They have hundreds of different kinds and sizes and they will install them or you can order them to install yourself. (PS I do not get anything in exchange for mentioning the company. I just think it’s a great idea and want other cat lovers to know their options!). I added the wood planks that the cats use as steps and places to rest (though you can also get those installed as well) and mats.
The cats can go in and out anytime they want through a cat door inserted into a Plexiglas window. If I don’t want them to go out (like at night or in the winter), I just close the inner kitchen window!
Of course, Frodo was the first to embrace it. He loves it and spends hours and hours out there:
THE HUMAN: The plan is that I will still take Frodo and Zulu out for some supervised visits outside but otherwise they can hang in the containment anytime they want.
While Frodo loves it, Zulu is taking a little bit longer to come around. Which is as expected because new things terrify him. But he is taking more and more steps outside!
ZULU: I’m not sure bars look good on me.
Amarula is likewise a bit apprehensive as she seems to think I may force her to stay behind bars with Zulu and Frodo (which I won’t)
AMARULA: While I refuse to be contained…
AMARULA: Spending a little bit of time behind bars might heighten my street cred!
FRODO: I think it’s the best gift ever, filled with perfect napping planks!
Can’t wait to see the creative ways the cats think of to use their new containment unit!
We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!