An Enticing Invitation

FRODO: What the?!?! Was that Zulu who just went by?

ZULU: Bro?

FRODO: Zulu! Where are you going? Come join me for a nap–naps are always more fun with more felines!

ZULU: You sure there’s enough room in there for me?

FRODO: Are you calling me fat??

ZULU: Alright move over I am coming in!

ZULU: You were right Frodo, naps are always better with a buddy!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Life Behind Bars With Frodo, Zulu and Amarula!




FRODO: What the heck (oh pardon my language) what the goodness is going on outside?



THE HUMAN: Surprise! I got the cats an outdoor cat containment unit from Habitat Haven a wonderful company from nearby Toronto that makes safe outdoor areas for cats and dogs!!! They have hundreds of different kinds and sizes and they will install them or you can order them to install yourself. (PS I do not get anything in exchange for mentioning the company. I just think it’s a great idea and want other cat lovers to know their options!). I added the wood planks that the cats use as steps and places to rest (though you can also get those installed as well) and mats.

The cats can go in and out anytime they want through a cat door inserted into a Plexiglas window. If I don’t want them to go out (like at night or in the winter), I just close the inner kitchen window!

Of course, Frodo was the first to embrace it. He loves it and spends hours and hours out there:

THE HUMAN: The plan is that I will still take Frodo and Zulu out for some supervised visits outside but otherwise they can hang in the containment anytime they want.

While Frodo loves it, Zulu is taking a little bit longer to come around. Which is as expected because new things terrify him. But he is taking more and more steps outside!

ZULU: I’m not sure bars look good on me.

Amarula is likewise a bit apprehensive as she seems to think I may force her to stay behind bars with Zulu and Frodo (which I won’t)

AMARULA: While I refuse to be contained…

AMARULA: Spending a little bit of time behind bars might heighten my street cred!

FRODO: I think it’s the best gift ever, filled with perfect napping planks!

Can’t wait to see the creative ways the cats think of to use their new containment unit!

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!






Frodo Makes A Run For It (again)!

FRODO: I don’t know why mom won’t give us supervised outdoor time in the winter like she does in the summer. Luckily I was able to escape onto the porch when she took out the garbage! It’s not so bad out here. Although I can kinda see why Amarula doesn’t like this white stuff…it is quite chilly….

FRODO: OK, I’m ready to come in now! Open up!

FRODO: Helloooooooo?!?! Anybody home?

FRODO: MOM?! Hurry up and open the door! Or your favorite creamsicle is gonna become a CreamICICLE!

We are doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

The Great Escape (attempt)


there has got to be a way out of here

FRODO: I really don’t think it’s fair that Amarula can go out whenever she wants and she gets to go out without a harness! There has to be a way outta here!


ZULU: I know what you mean Frodo. It just isn’t fair! And she has such a smug look!


FRODO: I can’t even stand to look at you right now Amarula! I am so jealous!


FRODO:  Quick Zulu, I’ll hold the window up and you make a run for it! At least one of us should taste real freedom!


ZULU: Forget it Frodo. It’s useless. I can’t figure out how to get rid of the screen!





Go Climb a Tree!


FRODO: Hey Zulu what are you staring at?


ZULU: I am in the middle of a staring contest with that dastardly red squirrel who lives under the garage!


ZULU: Just look at that smug face!


FRODO: What’s he so smug about Zulu?


ZULU: He keeps taunting me by coming almost so close that I can catch him!

FRODO: Why can’t you get him big brother?


ZULU: Because no matter how hard I look, I just can’t find the ladder to get up this tree!



Time for My Human to Die

AMARULA: Well, she’s done it! The human’s really done it! I was minding my own business, having a pleasant day out and about when this orange blob walked by…


Apparently the human is now allowing Frodo out on a harness into my outdoors! MY outdoors!


It was bad enough having Zulu to contend with but now I have Frodo invading my Feline Fiefdom!


Yep! I’ve tried to be nice. I tried to have Zulu killed welcomed Zulu with open arms when he joined me outside. But this, this is too much!


How much is one cat expected to endure!!?? Someone call the humane society and report my human!




Zulu’s World-wind Tour of the Great Outdoors!

FRODO: As you know, I faltered a little a couple of days ago when I tried to go outside for my first exploration of the backyard. It was all so darn exciting that I was just plain overwhelmed. Luckily, big brother Zulu was at the ready to help me and he took me out for a personalized tour!



ZULU: Alright Frodo just stay close and follow me! I’ll teach you all about the outdoors.


chew grass

ZULU: This is my favorite pile of grass. Try to have a good chew at least once daily. You can also expect to throw up the grass sometime around midnight. Never fails! This is mom’s least favorite part of the backyard!

FRODO: YUMMY!! This grass is almost better than tuna!

ZULU: And remember to always take time to bask in the sun! Spending time in the sun outdoors is even better than lying in a sunbeam in the window!


ZULU: Over here is what I like to call my own private privy! But you have to bring your own toilet paper!


ZULU: Now we are going towards the area where mom is trying to make a rock garden. It is very important to stay away from here and not dig up stuff!


ZULU: Well, since this is your first time maybe we can go a little closer just this once!


ZULU: And always keep an eye out for Amarula. She loves to step on the leash!


ZULU: And the most important things is to always make time to smell the flowers!


ZULU: I have a feeling you are gonna love it out here Frodo!

FRODO: Me too!


The Feline Solution to Any Problem: Take A Nap

FRODO: As you know my efforts to get out-and-about and explore the backyard in my harness did not quite go as I had planned. I spent most of the afternoon hiding under the deck stairs.


But not to fear! I am going to recharge my bravery with a power nap and get right back out there! There is nothing like a siesta to put the LION back in FELION (at least that’s how I spells it)! Just watch me recharge!

findingtherightposition1 naptimeafterventuringoutside



Oh Yeah! I’m almost ready to head outside again! Hear me roar! I sure am a brave FELION!

