Faint-Worthy Good News For Frodo, Zulu and Amarula!


YEAH! Did you hear the news?! We are proud to announce that we are finalists in the Best Pet Humor Blog category in the 2018 BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Awards. We are honored to be in such esteemed company as Valentine’s blog Noir Kitty Mews, as well as The Rufus Files and A Dog Walks Into A Bar.  A special thank you goes out to Bear and his momma who nominated us!

The cats’ reaction to the news was in line with what you have come to expect:

Frodo promptly fainted and upon revival shouted out his glee to the whole world…

FRODO: Yahoooooooo! They like us, they really like us!! I love everybody!!

ZULU: Contact my agent! I want new head shots! Oh Yes! I am ready for my close up!

ZULU: Wait a minute…I wonder how many hours of grooming that gives me to prepare before the red carpet!? Better get started!

And Amarula was all Tortie:

AMARULA: Nominated? Humor, you say? Do they mean funny or funny-looking cause with Frodo and Zulu one can’t be sure! But go ahead, you may kiss my paw.

AMARULA: Now be off so I may dream of my acceptance speech.

Here are Amarula’s Friendly Fill-Ins hosted by 15andmeowing and McGuffy’s Reader!

  1. I am the _________________ in my family. I can’t answer that question cause family implies that I am in some way related to Frodo the Creamsicle Cretin and Zulu the Dunderheaded Dandy. We Torties are a world apart!
  2. I have _see above_ sibling(s).
  3. I am looking forward to patrolling the snowless (thank God) streets once again and reminding the neighborhood cats who’s boss this Spring.
  4. The first sign of Spring this year was the human pulling out that insipid and undignified, bell-strewn Birdsafe collar she makes me wear to protect the birds when I go outside. If she tries to put that on me again the birds won’t be the only ones who need protection!


(Birdbesafe collar–they look funny but they seem to work!)