Neighborhood Friendly Felines

I always love when bloggers like Eastside Cats post about the cats they see in the neighborhood so I thought I would post some of the cats I have met in the last couple of months on my runs. For some reason, ever since the quarantine, cats seem much friendlier and I am meeting cats that I have never seen before on my runs. Some will stay on their porch and stare at me and let me pet them but most will come running up and flop in front of me for a pet or two! I have never had this experience before! So here we go…(I would introduce you but I don’t know most of their names!)

(this is Pete–he has a collar with his name!)

(tabby to the left of the door- the shyest of the bunch)

(I love the sign on this house!)

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

23 thoughts on “Neighborhood Friendly Felines”

  1. I always stop and love on the cats I see in the neighborhood too. So precious. You have lots of neighborhood friends.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  2. guyz…..wavez two yur nayborz frum uz heer in TT !!! nice a see ewe all…N de sign on de door iz way awesum 🙂 ♥♥

  3. Hahaha!
    Yes, it’s terrific fun to visit with the neighborhood cats!
    And I too have seen more than before, and you’d think I’d already seen them all…
    The extra fun part, is chatting up their humans, just so they know I’m not a) wanting to kidnap their cats, and b) I want to know the cat’s name.
    I try to have a few of my blog cards on me, so it legitimizes my snapping photos too…

  4. I’m visiting from Aww Mondays. You’re lucky the kitties don’t try to tangle themselves in your feet while running. Oh sure, they’ll pretend it was an accident or better still, your fault. lol Why are we so tempted to pet these purring machines of destruction and mayhem? The door sign is great – love it! Stay safe and be well. Have a boogietastic week!

  5. Talk about making a ton of new friends! I’d go out for runs too if I had this kind of welcoming committee!
    [From Bear: How DARE your Mom go and cheat on you with all these hussies! Amarula, I think it’s time to go from nice cat to MROW! HIIIISSSSS! to show her who’s boss. Don’t those cats have any self-respect?!? Flopping all over on the SIDEWALK?!]

  6. We love that sign, too, and these are all awesome neighborhood pals, but dad’s favorite photo is the one with the cat hair on your leg!


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