Amarula always gets a little amorous when she spends too much time in the catnip patch! Clearly she really overindulged for her to be so friendly with Frodo!
FRODO: I knew this day would come!!
FRODO: Amarula really does love me!!
AMARULA: What the heck just happened here??! I hope that stupid human didn’t have her camera. I gotta stop overindulging in the ‘nip!
We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop
Awww, at least you had a good time. So cute the both of you.
Have a purrfect Awww Monday. My best to your mom. ☺
Oh, yes. We have seen this happen firsthand. Catnip can lead to unusual behaviour. *wink*
We heard that humans are also “more relaxed” in their choice whom they’re spending their night with when they had too much of their nip, hehe.
We still have many catnip plants in our apartment. Mom grew them for us, but of course we’re not interested at all. Now she’s trying to sell them / give them away , but she’s only succeeded to get rid of 2 plants so far.
“Amarula and Frodo, sitting in a tree!
Uh oh! That’s what happens when you over indulge, Amarula. You do things you would never do while sober.
my stars girl…..uh….hhhmmmmmmmm…crap… do I say this ~~~~~~~
hugs from dai$y =^..*=
So cute together! Until she regains her senses…
That is too funny. I knew she loved you. 🙂
Oh dear! Hide Frodo, when Amarula sees the photos!
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Catnip sure does help fur babies get along! MOL.
Oh my dear, the nip will get ya EVERY time.
Oops Amarula, you got caught on camera while you were under influence! Catnip patch is dangerous…very dangerous, my friend!
Oh Frodo, what a day! You look a little nervous though – probably quite rightly so as the realisation is sinking in to your tortie tarter! We suggest giving her more nip…..
MOL ! Nip helps you with disinhibition, right ? Purrs
MOL…stay right there in the trip, this is overcute…MOL 😀 Pawkisses for a Peaceful Day 🙂 <3
MOL, da dangers of nip!
Oh man! Looks like you’re outta your mind 😉 But looking amazing <3
Uh oh. What happens in the catnip patch should stay in the catnip patch. Be a gentleman, Frodo!!!
MOL Oh Amarula, there’s no such thing as too much nip. MOL Ya’ll look adorable. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Uh oh, pictures don’t lie. You’ve been caught!