Amarula is Snowed In!

Amarula is not having a good winter. There is so much snow and cold that she has not stepped a paw outside for months and she spends her days staring angrily at the snow.

AMARULA: I’m quite sure this is somehow Frodo’s fault.

So how does Amarula get through this bad winter? Extra belly rubs!

AMARULA: Less talk and more belly action human!

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It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!

It’s Zulu and Frodo’s fav time of the year. No, not Christmas. Today was the first day mom turned on the fireplace. What we humans know as winter, the felines call “fireplace season”

Get your snuggle on!

It will be tough, but I think Frodo and Zulu will somehow manage to struggle through the winter!


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Amarula is Snowed Under

Much like the rest of us, Amarula has spent the day staring balefully out the window wondering how to deal with the 20 centimetres of snow that just fell!

AMARULA: Why won’t the snow stop? When is summer going to arrive again? Why is this happening to me?

AMARULA: YOU did this! I know somehow this is your fault human!

AMARULA: Yes, I mean YOU!

On a more cheerful note, there was a fox in our neighbourhood yesterday sunning himself in a neighbour’s backyard. Likely trying to enjoy the sun before this terrible snow storm! I got some nice photos


We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Snow Fight!


AMARULA: Amarula is not amused. I come out here to find the deck and yard covered in snow. My tootsies grow cold as my temper grows hot. Nope. Not happy at all.

AMARULA: Oh God! Why do you forsake me so! I thought we had an agreement that last year was the very last winter ever!

AMARULA: You asked for it snow…I am giving you the evil eye. My evil eye puts fear into even the fiercest of foes.

AMARULA: Well, apparently snow is as immune to my evil eye as Frodo is! I am not happy!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

The Cats Go Stir Crazy

After lots of snow, freezing cold temperatures and no sunlight for days, the cats were really feeling housebound and going crazy! As soon as the sun finally started to shine they insisted on going out. No matter how I warned them that there was still snow and cold. The sunshine lulled them into a false sense of security…

There was only a little sliver of space beside the garage

Zulu, being less adventurous than the other two (and possibly more intelligent, actually), was not as anxious to leave the porch steps

But eventually even he couldn’t resist!

Amarula pondered the possibility of jumping into the snow, while Frodo chewed on the dead weeds and Zulu just watched on in wonder! Sadly the cold was such that they had to run inside after a few minutes!

Clearly someone else in my town was going stir crazy. A house a few blocks away build a 15 foot snowman! It made the news! And everyone from all over is driving into town to see it!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Amarula In Denial

AMARULA: Snow? I don’t see any snow. Well, OK maybe there’s a bit of fluffy white stuff everywhere but I’m sure that’s just because a cloud exploded (likely something Frodo did) and it’s just taking a bit of time to clean the mess up. By the way…can we talk about this stupid festive collar you’re making me wear?

AMARULA: I’m just gonna take a quick (very quick…it’s cold out here!) nap and when I wake up I am sure the mess will all be cleaned up and the clear skies and sun will have returned….right?


We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

Zulu And Frodo Get Their First Christmas Wish!

FRODO and ZULU: Come on mom please turn on the fireplace! It’s definitely that time of year again. Come on, the extra heating bills are worth it to have the fireplace on! YOu know we appreciate it. Pleasssseeeee?!?!

FRODO and ZULU: Ah! Now that’s more like it! Come and get us Winter! We are ready for you!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!