Frodo loves spending time in the catio in the summer. While it’s for all the cats, he seems to be the one who gets the most use out of it!
Frodo has such a hard life!
We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!
Three Canadian cats and their adventures
Frodo loves spending time in the catio in the summer. While it’s for all the cats, he seems to be the one who gets the most use out of it!
Frodo has such a hard life!
We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!
That summer sunshine is showing off Friday beautifully!
And as long as Frodo is out there Amarula has the A/C pretty much to herself.
What a lovely place for a cat! We need one of those here.
He’s a smart one and is enjoying the fresh air. He’s most handsome.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
Frodo is so darn cute. XO
That is one super nice Frodo happy!
Frodo knows how to live!
Awww. Cute!! #HappyTuesday
Frodo’s in the slammer! Hahaha.
Frodo certainly has the art of relaxing down paws furst. I have my catio back but is nothing as exciting looking as this. Precious
dood…N joy sum of that catio time for me pleez and thanx…..eye onlee
make it two de garage…N due knot even get de key two drivez de car
frodo, king of the phrase “lean in!”
I love Frodo!!
Frodo sure is living the life!!
Aww! He looks so happy!
You’re just too much, Frodo.