Wordless Wednesday: Yeah! A Chair All To Myself and A Sunpuddle! October 25, 2017 by Amarula Yeah for Zulu! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related
Getting your won chair and a sunpuddle is a very good thing. You sure look like you’re enjoying yourself. Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday. My best to your peeps. ☺ Reply
Wow Zulu, you look extra gorgeous there! Your coat is so shiny that you almost look like a beautiful statue 🙂 Enjoy nice sunshine in your comfy chair! Reply
You found the perfect place to take a nap, Zulu! That looks like a nice warm sun puddle. It is big enough for you to stretch out too. I hope you had beautiful dreams. 🙂 Reply
Zulu, could you be any happier?
Getting your won chair and a sunpuddle is a very good thing. You sure look like you’re enjoying yourself.
Have a purrfect Wordless Wednesday. My best to your peeps. ☺
That’s a photo of one happy, nappy kitty!
Enjoy! xo
Looks like some cat found the best spot!
Enjoy your sun puddle ! Purrs
You look comfy. 🙂
Look how beautiful you are in the sun. It really brings out your shading.
Enjoy yourself, cutie!
Wow Zulu, you look extra gorgeous there! Your coat is so shiny that you almost look like a beautiful statue 🙂 Enjoy nice sunshine in your comfy chair!
Zulu, how lucky is that, getting a whole chair to stretch out on!
What a wonderful lazy way to spend your time. Enjoy!
you look as happy as happy can be!
We are jealous. Snoops and Kommando Kitty
You find just the spot for sun puddling! I bet your furrs got all nice and toasty warm. Winks!
You found the perfect place to take a nap, Zulu! That looks like a nice warm sun puddle. It is big enough for you to stretch out too. I hope you had beautiful dreams. 🙂
Aproveite o cochilo, meu amor!
Sunpuddling is the besttt!
What a pawsum sunpuddle gawjus. Big hugs
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena