FRODO: This is the first time in my outdoor tent since last summer!
FRODO: For some reason it seems a little smaller than last year! Or am I just larger?
FRODO: OK I admit it. My tummy may seem a little bigger than last year. Mom says I gained a little winter weight. But I keep telling her that it’s not that my tummy got bigger, it’s that my head shrunk a little and thus makes my tum tum look larger!! So far she’s not buying it!
We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!
Tell Mum I agree with YOU!! xoxo
Frodo is right. You did make me laugh out loud too. Tell mom I agree with you.
Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥
More lovely white parts to snorgle!
You are perfect. Everything shrinks over the winter. 🙂 XO
Frodo ~ so glad you are having such a good time in the tent ~ great photos ~ thanks,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
But what a cutie! #HappyTuesday
More tummy to snorgle! Everyone puts on a bit of winter weight. More padding to keep warm.
Ahahaha Frodo! That’s a good way to view things, I think you are right!
Frodo, we don’t know what to say to you on that!
I believe YOU, Frodo! ~Ernie
Tents have been known to shrink!
Don’t worry about the weight. You’re adorable! (Besides, it will disappear when you start moving around more.
Your head shrunk? Oh no!
Mmm, Frodo, a suggestion if I may (from June, the cat) … “I, too, have a similar issue and have told mine Mommy she can easily use her photoshop tools to apply a slimming and trimming technique to my sides and belly still allowing me to indulge in all the treats I want.”
Yeah, Frodo, that’s the kind of reasoning I’d use on my mom and dad (and dad uses on mom for his, umm, re-growing mid-girth-muffintop…) Oh, dad says he wants to try to find a tent like that so I can go outside. He says thanks for the idea!
If I may guess at what Amarula is thinking …
Given Frodo’s intelligence level, his brain shrinking might be a serious problem.
You’re pure purrfection just the way you are!