Top 10 Rules For Cat Life in Canada

AMARULA: Well we are all slowly adjusting to life in Canada. I dare say that as the temperature decreases the amount of rules seem to increase! You would think mom would realize that one can not shackle a feline’s freedom! I have assembled a photo journal of the feline Canadian commandments. Judge for yourself how well this trio of tabbies is following them!

1. Thou shall never ever go on the kitchen table:



2. Thou shall never go into the kitchen cupboards:

kitchen cupboard

3. Thou shall not bother Grandpa MacGregor when he is watching television:



4. I said thou shall not bother Grandpa MacGregor!!


5. Thou shall never scratch the couch:


6. Thou shall not distract grandpa MacGregor while he is playing bridge on the computer:


7. Thou shall not lie innocently in the middle of the hallway where humans can trip over you!


8. Thou shall not hog the couch:

temporary detente


9. Thou shall not go into parcels that are not for you and get covered in packing peanuts:

biltong and styro peanuts 2

10. Once again! Thou shall not go onto the kitchen table even if it has the best sunbeams in the house!



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