AMARULA: Due to his youth and inexperience (i.e. he has yet to experience my claws of death because of my lady-like restraint) Frodo has tried to hug me on several occasions. I can usually tell when he is getting this death-wish idea into his head because his eyes glaze over (although frankly, glazed-over is pretty much Frodo’s normal state of being). In fact, he appears to have such a look at this very moment….
FRODO: Amarulaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, come and play……
AMARULA: Now, because I am the mature one and just had my nails clipped abhor violence, I am simply going to ignore the wretch and take the long way around
FRODO: Amarula………I’m watching you….
FRODO: Come on…just one little hug….
AMARULA: I feel this is not going to end well for either of us…
AMARULA: I see that look in your eyes…don’t do it Frodo…Frodo…
AMARULA: Arrrgggghhh……………………..
FRODO: Gotcha! See isn’t this fun!!? Amarula you are just the best hugger ever!
Awwwww……..him loves you 🙂 Maybe?
FRODO: Yes! She loves me!
sisturrz & brotherz iz spozed ta love one a nother !!
rite dai$y……dai$y ?????
well, guess eye spoke two soon
butter lover boomer o cat ♥♥♥♥♥
FRODO: Maybe Amarula just needs another hug! I am off to find her!