Sunday Selfie Blog Hop: It’s Amarula’s Turn!

Sunday Selfie Blog Hiop cat cute
Sunday Selfies!

AMARULA: Sundays? I’m against them.

Selfies? Ditto!

Ties? I think you know where this is going…

But I can’t have those nincompoops Frodo and Zulu wearing ties and getting all the attention at the Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by the Cat on My Head without doing something about it! I am clearly the brains and looks behind this operation! Now, all you cats out there, stop reading this blog and go sharpen your canines and claws! We got a bunch of sugar-addicted trick or treaters to terrorize tomorrow night! Felines unite and aim for the ankles! Mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha

I’m joining Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by the Cat on My Head!








Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


ZULU: As much as I love my brother Frodo, I was astonished and–more than just a little hurt–that he got so much attention last Sunday for his Sunday Selfie blog hop hosted by the Cat on My Head! We all know that I’m the looker in the family! So I spent all morning trying a variety of ties.


There were a few wardrobe malfunctions:




But finally…….



I finally found a tie that I believe sets off my fur just right! No one can resist my intense gaze! Try to control yourself ladies! Meow!
