AMARULA: Yes that’s right dear readers! I’m packing my bags and heading to Hollywood, or maybe Washington or Timbuktu ….where do famous cats go?? Anyway it doesn’t matter because I have written what is sure to be a bestselling book!
AMARULA: What do you think? Should I use this photo on the book cover and promotional tour? It shows the tormented genius that all brilliant authors have. It makes me look intellectual and angry (my signature look) all at the same time.
FRODO: You wrote a book!?! Oh I knew you could do it Big Sis! You are just so smart! Can I get a copy? Can I get an autograph?
ZULU: No No NO! Amarula did not write a book! Cat blogger Deborah Barnes (of Zee & Zoey’s Cat Chronicles) wrote the book. It is her big Book Release! It explores all our wonderful feline habits that are, for some reason, often indecipherable to humans! Amarula is just mentioned a couple of times — and so are you and I for that matter Frodo!
AMARULA: Well surely I can at least highlight where I am mentioned (in essence, the best part of the book). I am mentioned in: Things That Go Bump in the Night – page 97; Rules of the House – page 131; and The Unexpected in Life – page 207. These snippets tell how Zulu and I moved to Canada from South Africa, the strange way the human has to feed Frodo by throwing dry food up the stairs, and how I once dragged her winter boot up the stairs in the middle of the night and she thought it was an intruder (I am so amusing!). I am even mentioned in the press release (check it out here)! As I am pretty much the star of the book, it’s sure to be a bestseller!
ZULU: No No NO! You are not the star of the book! Every single cat mentioned in the book is a star! Including, I would like to emphasize, Frodo and I! I think it’s going to be a hit! I’ve seen Mom reading it and she can’t stop laughing, so she must be enjoying it! Some of her favorite cat bloggers, like 15 and Meowing are also in it!
FRODO: So I’m confused… do I or do I not get an autograph from Amarula?
It’s true! The trio share a few stories in this funny book that any cat lover is sure to enjoy! You can check out the details here.