FRODO: Some Sundays it can be hard to get up
FRODO: I asked mom to take the selfie cause I just didn’t have the energy. I am gonna stay in bed all day and sleep.
FRODO: Did someone say breakfast time?!
This is Frodo’s Sunday Selfie for The Cat On My Head Sunday Blog Hop!
Maybe your Mom will bring you breakfast in bed 🙂
have breakfast in bed!
Yes, that is the perfect use of a Sunday…sleeping in!
It’s definitely a day to sleep in. You’re totally doing the right thing.
Sleeping all day sounds like the purrfect idea 🙂
Frodo, most DAYS! are difficult for us to get up out of bed! ;p
You look very cute in your collar 🙂
the critters in the cottage xo
Frodo, we love your stretchy sleeping shots and think your mom had a very inventive angle!
Frodo, you have the right idea.
Probably your Mistress stays in bed late, on sundays, doesn’t she?
That’s me in the weekend, Frodo! I could join you and stay in bed all day long…except for meal time 🙂
Sundays are for us to sleep and for those humans to serve us. A day of worship.
Frodo, you know what? I planned a nap for Sunday afternoon, and then never got around to it…even though it was rainy and nothing good to watch on TV. Why can’t I be more like a cat, huh?
I really liked this selfie !!!!! Very lazy !!!!Hehehehe….
A meow of Bilbo
That’s a pretty sweet selfie!
Oh, Frodo, that’s such a lovely sleepy Selfie. Now sleep on cutiePawkisses for a wonderful day❤
Nice extension, Frodo! Have you been practicing your yoga moves? This looks a little like a (gasp) down dog!
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie