Selfie Sunday: Zulu Gets the Best Spot in the House

ZULU: YEAH!! I get to sit beside mom as she works! I got the coveted desk drawer! You snooze you loose, Frodo and Zulu!!

ZULU: And is it just me or does the compact size of the drawer really show off my incredible good looks! Hey Ladies!

This is Zulu’s Selfie Sunday for the blog hop (hosted by The Cat on My Head)

22 thoughts on “Selfie Sunday: Zulu Gets the Best Spot in the House”

  1. WOW! You have a self contained fully retractable multi purpose high rise napping area, that is so cool. And it is a perfect place to display your marvelous looks, take a selfie or two, and keep an eye on the office staff.

  2. Zulu, drawers are great! Astrid can attest to that. And having it next to where your mom is working makes it even better. Bet you get scritches whenever you want. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  3. Mee-yow Zulu yur inncrediblee hansum mee furend!!!! Yur furss are so chocolatey brown an shiny……
    An LadyMum asked if shee could go out on a date with you, mew mew mew…..
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  4. Whoa! Zulu! That’s got to be the BEST SPOT EVER! We’re going to start insisting our Mom give us a drawer like that, which means, of course, she’ll need to clean out sixteen years of collected business cards, old pens, and half a mountain of post-it-notes that don’t even stick anymore! Never too early for spring cleaning, we say. Just keep that vacuum cleaner elsewhere!


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