I thought it was time I once again introduce you to a few of the neighbourhood cats I meet during my early morning runs (you may recall Running With Cats Part 2)!
One of my favs is Pierogi (one of the few cats with a collar so I know his name). He’s always happy to see me and an early riser as he is even out when I go for runs at 6AM!
Here he is running towards me when he sees me (let me know if the video doesn’t work) He is disabled but that doesn’t slow him down. The owner told me he was born with a bad front foot but it doesn’t seem to bother him!
Just a few houses down from Pierogi is Juniper! The world’s friendliest tortie. A big cuddler who even lets me pick her up
She never wants me to leave and tries to hold on to my shoe!
This chic kitty has the same kind of collar as Amarula (A Birdsafe collar)
Also very friendly
His sibling kitty (also with a cool collar) prefers a more hands-off approach!
Every time I see this cutie he always takes the time to hiss at me as i pass!
Definitely not a kitty!
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
It’s hard to get a good run in when so many precious kitties to love on. Awww.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
That was a wonderful neighborhood tour! I hope the cats don’t get too friendly with skunk…
Ha!!! LOVE those cuties!! You are lucky the “kitty” who decides to hiss at you, doesn’t SPRAY you! OMC!!
guyz….wavez two yur nayborz and even two de naybor thatz knot a kitteh naybor…..phew 😉 ♥♥
I want to live in your neighborhood. So may cute kitties. I am surprised Pierogi’s owners let him out unattended though.
How nice to have kitty company on your runs! Hopefully that last kitty will continue to behave!
Don’t pick up the black-and-white striped kitty!
Isn’t it fun to have cats run up to you?!? It’s wonderful!
That was nice to see the neighbourhood cats, even the kitty who hisses at you! It is probably just as well that black and white stripey doesn’t run to greet you too!!
What fun neighborhood kitties!
You have some really nice and interesting neighbor kitties…and stinkers!
Some pretty neat kitties – we wonder how you passed the “sniff test” when you got home !
I like that rainbow collar!
Very enjoyable read Thanks ❤️
What a wonderful group!
Noodle and crew
pierogi….hubba hubba…..
mum sez to tell yoo, treetz r alwayz part ov de paw-de-cure, she callz dem bribez or rewardz
You have the cutest little neighbors!!! I love Pierogi .
I might go running if these cats were on my running path. So sweet!
That’s so cuteWe love it when they come to great usPawkisses for a Happy Weekend
Hmmm, dad says Tortie and big cuddler are not typically used in the same sentence, but what does he know? Wonderful neighborcats photos!
Those are cute little neighbors ! Purrs