Through a terrible accident I lost most of my previous posts from my original pet blog – A Basset Hound in Cape Town. But these were saved thanks to so I am posting them here!
Milnerton Flea Market; leashed and loving it!
Dad has been kind of ignoring me lately (his Masters thesis is almost due—and thanks to my erudite musings and proof-reading abilities, and mom’s ability to nag, I am sure he will produce something brilliant and, more importantly, hand it in on time! That’s also the reason I haven’t blogged in so long, dad has been hogging the computer). Anyway to make it up to me, dad took a bit of time out of his busy schedule and took me and mom to Milnerton Flea Market. Since the folks moved (without my permission, no less!) they need to buy some stuff for their flat and this was a great place to shop cheaply. Better yet, as an outdoor market they allow—nay, welcome—dogs! And this place gets BUSY! Just look at how the parking lot was bustling. And you know what that means…lots of people to love me.
Yes, I know what you are thinking: “Charlie you gorgeous girl (…why did your dad give you a boy’s name…but I digress…) you don’t usually get so excited about walks where you have to stay leashed.” True, normally being leashed (a.k.a shackled) does inhibit my ability to fully enjoy my meanderings (but then again Neighbourgoods Market at the Biscuit Mill is the best walk ever and I have to stay leashed for that) but what Milnerton lacks in freedom, it makes up for in smells (over 250 stalls of different, wonderfully smelly stuff), tastes and attention-getting. And it is also a great place to meet friends (I had thought that because it is called a flea-market there would be lots of flea-bearing felines around—happily I was mistaken). Just look at all these dogs:
Lots of the vendors bring their four-legged friends. Some dogs even wear fashionable jackets cause the market is right beside the ocean and those breezes can get nippy.
This dog also belongs to a vendor (that’s why he has leashless-privileges)
And many shoppers bring their best friends along too!
And of course, what market is complete without a puppy (I bet this guy got lots of good deals; I helped dad get great deals with my sad, melt-your-heart basset hound eyes, and my Canadian accent charmed all the vendors).
And let’s not forget the food. There are many vendors selling all kinds of homemade goodness (lots of which falls on the ground, perfect for fast-acting pooches). We stopped to share some vetkoeks (a traditional Afrikaans fried bread) where I got a full stomach and more love from yet another adoring fan.
It was a great day. I give Milnerton 8 paws out of 10.
Next time I promise to update my impressions about our new place. I love the neighbourhood but unfortunately I have a feeling there is a malevolent presence nearby. Something is watching us…I keep seeing strange shadows in the window
Everywhere I turn I can’t shake the feeling I am being watched…
I think even that orange oaf Chosun notices a strange presence
Something is definitely afoot; I will conduct a thorough search and let you know my findings…