Happy Easter Monday!

The Easter celebrations are still going strong over here!

FRODO: When does the egg hunt begin!?

AMARULA: Are you seriously making me wear an Easter egg collar? That’s it, I’m contacting my lawyer! This is a clear case of cruel and unusual punishment!

ZULU: A tie with sequins!? SEQUINS!? Sequins are so last Easter! I will never recover from such a major fashion faux pas!!!!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!

16 thoughts on “Happy Easter Monday!”

  1. Oh goodness ! The kitties are wonderful but that table – is that tiger maple ? My mother was very knowledgable about rare woods. (Not because we ever owned any such furniture – I guess because during the Depression she worked as a maid/nanny/caregiver for several well-off families.)

  2. happee bee lated easturr guyz….we hope it waz burd free and ham filled 🙂 ♥♥ ewe all iz rockin yur holly day gear !!! 🙂 ♥♥

  3. You said you were having a problem commenting but I am getting them. It was because it was last week’s post you commented on and I have comment moderation after 4 days. It is the stupid new comments form that blogger has changed to and you can’t see if the comment is waiting to be moderated or disappeared into thin air.


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