Frodo’s Surprise Dental Visit

So you may remember that last week Zulu had a good laugh because Amarula was supposed to go for a dental. I made the mistake of deciding to check Frodo’s teeth and it turns out his teeth were even worse than Amarula’s so he ended up taking Amarula’s appointment (Amarula is going next week). Frodo is back home after having some teeth pulled and is resting comfortably…

…VERY comfortably! How ya feeling Frodo?

FRODO: Zzzzzzzz

Come on Frodo–show us how nice your clean teeth are looking!

A little wider!

FRODO: Ahhhhhhhhh! Can you see them now?!?!

We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!


19 thoughts on “Frodo’s Surprise Dental Visit”

  1. You’ll have a sleepy baby for the rest of today. It’s a good thing because bad teeth are not a good thing. A huge aw for being such a sport.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday and week. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. Frodo looks really comfortable after surprise dental visit! Tummy up and curled tail…awwww 🙂 I can see his shiny teeth!
    I hope Amarula’s dental will go smoothly!

  3. Are you drug Frodo….?
    I am happy that you have nice “new” teeth. They are shinny white.
    Will you get a gift from the … I don’t know who? In France it’s “the little mouse” who comes to give a small gift when you loose a tooth.

  4. That’s it. Sleep it off my furr-iend. You’re not alone, I have to get my teethies cleaned, too. I have to go in twice a year for that, ’cause the V-E-T says so. He thinks my gums and teethies need his attention that often.


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