FRODO: Ever feel all topsy turvy and like the world has gone a little loopy? I’m sure it’s because it’s the last week before Christmas and not because my cat bed fell on its side!
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
Three Canadian cats and their adventures
FRODO: Ever feel all topsy turvy and like the world has gone a little loopy? I’m sure it’s because it’s the last week before Christmas and not because my cat bed fell on its side!
We’re doing the Awww Monday Blog hop from Comedyplus!
He might just be doing yoga since there is going to be so much food about. It could be.
Thanks for participating in the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a purrfect day Frodo. My best to your mom. ♥
MOL, Frodo, you look like an Ikea-cat ! Purrs
Frodo, that’s called topsy-turvy!
Cool way to start the week Frodo!
Oh Frodo, you do make me laugh!
OMC someone untangle Frodo! LOL yeah, I blame Christmas that is coming next week for things gone loopsy 🙂
You are too cute 🙂
Frodo, you make us laugh!!
Oh Frodo, look what happened to you!
I’d like so much to put my hand on your wee belly….
That kind of stuff only happens to you, Frodo! Happy birthday to your Mom 🙂
Frodo…even we think that’s strange!
Oh no! I hope someone righted that cat bed for you.
What fancy yoga moves!
Our mom feels topsy turvy every day! And her bed didn’t fall over!
Tee hee hee — topsy turvy! Mom’s hair looks topsy turvey EVERY SINGLE DAY! I think Frodo is doing his catlisthenics! Winks.
Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!!
Your ‘tock shot made my Mom laugh so hard that coffee came out her nose!
You are something else, Frodo!